No. Info. HART: What's that? You're right about that. COHLE: Might as well be living on the fucking moon. Like what? The mirror allows Rust to ‘see’ his own soul, to meditate and focus on his own consciousness and gain prescience, even enlightenment A mirror which only reflects an eye can only reflect one’s soul, not the distracting vessel it occupies. In many ways, the self is the micro-scale of this nightmare and time is the macro-scale that he also touches on in terms of a ceaseless loop. COHLE: There was a moment, I know when I was under in the darkness, something, whatever I'd been reduced to -- y'know not even conscious, just a sense of vague awareness in the dark. Again, the designer is put in a position to weigh what he must sacrifice to be true to his art, ABC Orders Quinta Brunson Comedy, Brandy’s. ): Someone once told me time is a flat circle. COHLE: I tell myself I bear witness. Folks putting what few bucks they do have in a little wicker basket that's being passed around. It is someone Rust would, of course, channel when faced with a religious audience. See, 'cause they were afraid, and now they saw for the very first time... The oldest. And we were all, the three of us, fading out. The real answer is that it’s obviously my programming. Isn't that a beautiful way to go out, painlessly as a happy child? At the stars. In Nietzsche, this notion is designed to shake us up out of our passive lives. Cohle is easily labeled as a nihilist, but the irony of nihilism is that it's sort of impossible to actual live it in a strict sense, taking for example this definition: Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. I contemplate the moment in the garden. See, the preacher, he encourages your capacity for illusion. It would have sounded eerily familiar to anyone who has been exposed to Thomas Ligotti’s The Conspiracy Against the Human Race. That's over my head. “I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution,” mutters Matthew McConaughey’s Rust Cohle in his version of ride-along small talk with partner Marty Hart (Woody Harrelson). The sky thing. We would also know that he. I've spent enough of my fucking life in a hospital. And I knew, I knew, my daughter waited for me there. COHLE: Nah. Time is a flat circle. And all I had to do was let go. And you could just let go. HART: Hold on, hold on. The fear Halston has been avoiding might have just caught up to him. Forever. Not at first. Is there basis for this science-minded philosophy? While True Detective is heralded for its slow-burn mystery shrouded in atmosphere as thick as the bayou, half the fun of an episode is waiting to see which metaphysical concept Rust will tackle in monotone soliloquy. INT - INTERROGATION ROOM Tap to unmute. COHLE: Yeah I was in Alaska, under the night skies. ): Finding out that you didn't have to hold on so tight... I suspect in many ways Rust is often reading other people through the lenses of this anthropological and evolutionary perspective. The anti-social behaviour backed by tragedy and philosophy of personal life makes this character strong, smart and perfect. This is why I think the “I know what I am” line is so important. But into the same life that you've always been born into. It allows him distance to analyze others according to their specific delusion. He seems to be discussing the idea in two distinct senses: one is, and here I am no expert, M-theory derived from theoretical physics that he discusses explicitly with the detectives. Their lives are about three things: survival, reproduction, death—and nothing else. INT - LSPD OFFICE 1995 Me. —Rust Cohle (in HBO’s True Detective) A call for a vision of education that diverts the focus away from neoliberal ideology and, as Doron Yosef-Hassidim puts it, in which “school becomes less a place of exercising and training skills” could not be more timely. LEDOUX: You'll do this again. He often seems to test Marty at a very base, evolutionary level when it comes to masculinity and tellingly often comes out on top. What do you know about these people. This is perhaps why he is so good at soliciting confessions. INT - INTERROGATION ROOM 2012 There, the idea, and it is found in older traditions, too, is that the greatest horror for us is not to die, but to live the same lives on repeat for all eternity. You can't change your lives. COHLE: We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self. COHLE: It's like, in this universe, we process time linearly. Below you will find lyrics, music video and translation of Rust Cohle’s Philosophy - Nic Pizzolatto in various languages. Rust Cohle - Philosophy of Pessimism (True Detective) - YouTube. COHLE: And I woke up. Not always good ones — men have codes for misbehaving. Rust starts breaking down Close up on a table filled with pictures of dead bodies HART: How’s that? … Nothing's ever fulfilled! ): was never anything but a jerry-rig of presumption and dumb will. HART: There’s all kinds of ghettos in the world. Below are some of the most popular Rust Cohle quotes. The idea of allowing your own crucifixion. And I did. We talked shop with the comedian on Instagram Live today. For me, that particular scene seems designed to stress how easily he gets lost in his head more than something that will relate very directly to the story line. I would protest, but it occurs to me that you're unkillable. COHLE: Light vs. dark. But outside of our space-time, from what would be a fourth-dimensional perspective, time wouldn't exist. HART: Yeah. When does philosophy become a conversation about ethics?Marty is a classic moral hypocrite albeit precisely the type of person who keeps society from collapsing. Now there are broader ideas at work, mainly what is owed between us as a society for our mutual illusions. COHLE: I shouldn't even fucking be here, Marty. And I'd like to get as many of them out in the open as possible. I’ve always been of the opinion that when you get down to it, everyone agrees, in their very bones, with Rust. COHLE: They welcomed it. Anti-natalism is the view that humans should stop procreating, because bringing a human life into the world is ethically wrong. INT - EVIDENCE ROOM 1995 Now there are broader ideas at work, mainly what is owed between us as a society for our mutual illusions. INT - HOE DOWN 2002 a talented but troubled detective, dedicated to his work and renowned for his abilities COHLE: It means I’m bad at parties. Shit. I could feel my definitions... fading. In many ways, it’s a paraphrase of the central argument of that text. His unique brand of philosophy, classified as Nietzsche-influenced by some, rambling lunacy by others, and “pessimism” by Rust himself led to countless “McConologues” that helped carry this show. EXT - LSPD 1995 Or, put another way, he is not saying [anything some of us haven’t thought before]. COHLE (V.O. It is someone Rust would, of course, channel when faced with a religious audience. I guess your judgement is infallible, piece of shit-wise. You'll do this again. Young, old. And Rust Cohle is also shown to have 2 of the most important asset of being a realist/nihilist: (1) a miserable life, and (2) a hatred towards organised religion and authoritative God. What makes a “true” nihilist by the definitions of those who shaped the doctrine?I’ve not seen it clearly yet, but there are signs of empathy in Rust that is not entirely alien to the nihilistic worldview, given the centrality of suffering, nihilism is pretty empathetic. I genuinely cannot imagine how it will end, which is an amazing feeling, but I would say that I believe we will discover that the “cult” is a cover for a wider network (and not just Tuttle) and that a large amount of powerful people are implicated. Time is a flat circle. So certain that they were more than a biological puppet. Hart is knee-jerk offended at Cohle’s nonchalance about the Son of Man-- Meaning. You're trapped... COHLE: I shouldn't even fucking be here, Marty. Basically, in a non-academic way, I consider myself just a brute “realist” in the classic sense of seeing the world in a very blunt, cynical manner. You wanna go back, get clothes or anything? It’s easy to forget there may be answers at the end of True Detective’s tunnel when McConaughey continues to drop foggy poeticisms with such grace. … Él y su compañero Martin Hart son los personajes principales de la primera temporada de la serie. Anything I left back there I don't need. However, we witness a generalized pessimism throughout the interviews. out these texts perhaps after being dissatisfied with more mainstream mediations on our place in the universe. Nature created an aspect separated from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. Perhaps the second stand-out scene in this regard is his meditation on the eyes of murder victims. My hope is that the sense of supernatural foreboding found through the show will be explained, if it is at all, in a realist manner. You know what you see. That dream about being a person. He often seems to test Marty at a very base, evolutionary level when it comes to masculinity and tellingly often comes out on top. I mean, you can't remember your lives. It would be a fucking freak show of murder and debauchery, and you know it. Rust gets out of the chair and Marty wraps his arms around him I don’t think that way. Certainly the likes of Cioran or Ligotti tend not to debate other thinkers. Rust Cohle, the character played by Matthew McConaughey in True Detective, ... bringing his haunted dark philosophy and long cynical rants with him. Cohle continues, reluctant-- Might as well be living on the fucking moon. Rust looks up to the heavens in mockery COHLE: That’s a form of meditation. INT - EVIDENCE ROOM 1995 The truth will out, everybody sees once the strings are cut off all down. Now, to us, it's a sphere. Theriot. Marty Hart is examining himself in the mirror HART: Can you imagine if people didn't believe, what things they'd get up to? And I disappeared. However, it reconnects up to Rust’s commitment to the fact that life is but a dream/nightmare — not in some flowery sense, but that the far grimmer awareness that structurally consciousness has the character of an elaborate continuous, but determinate in duration, fantasy. Rustin Cohle is one of the most memorable characters in TV history. A look into Arnold Ridgeway’s upbringing and spiritual ideology also shows the extent of his cruelty. HART: Today, that scene… That is the most fucked up thing I ever caught. I honestly cannot say at the moment whether the show is going to end up as an expression of the inherent “evilness” at the heart of people, but I admit that would disappoint me. COHLE: Our space-time would look flattened, like a single sculpture. INT - INTERROGATION ROOM 2012 All rights reserved. The more subtle existential angle he is touching on is the “eternal recurrence of the same” that Nietzsche introduced. Can I ask you something? COHLE: It’s all one ghetto, man. I suspect in many ways Rust is often reading other people through the lenses of this anthropological and evolutionary perspective. I’ve not seen it clearly yet, but there are signs of empathy in Rust that is not entirely alien to the nihilistic worldview, given the centrality of suffering, nihilism is pretty empathetic. The doctor said she didn't feel a thing, went straight into a coma. COHLE: What do you think the average IQ of this group is? ): These still bodies so certain that they were more than the sum of their urges. Pizzolatto is also quick to refute the notion that Rust is a pure nihilist, suggesting that compassion keeps him from being that easy to boil down. And boy did he say a mouthful. No no. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test … Or confirm it?Marty reads to me as a pragmatist who tries to navigate life by a series of codes of conduct. This is perhaps why he is so good at soliciting confessions. This is "Rust Cohle - Philosophy of Pessimism (True Detective)" by Athif Ahamed Shaffy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love… HART: Well what do you got the cross for in your apartment? Detective Rust Cohle's best philosophy highlights - True detective. CBS Picks Up Pete Holmes Bowling Sitcom, Sophia Bush Surgeon Drama to Series. ...what they were. INT - INTERROGATION ROOM 2012 Sparks Get a Hero’s and Weirdo’s Welcome in Edgar Wright’s Documentary Trailer, “All pop music is rearranged Sparks, that’s the truth.”. COHLE (V.O. A dream that you had inside a locked room. “I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution,” mutters Matthew McConaughey’s Rust Cohle in his version of ride-along small … Rust is flipping through case files of countless murder victims Now 14 straight hours of staring at DBs, these are the things you think of. Each one so sure of their realness. Perhaps the moment this is clearest is when he realizes, whilst watching television with his girlfriend, that such a life is just not for him. Are there specific scenes or bits of dialogue that made you realize that True Detective was a show actually wrestling with philosophy versus simply throwing around words to sound heady?His dialogue with Marty in the car. This worldview is often correlated with self-destructiveness and I would say Rust’s fascination with murders, drugs, and the criminal lifestyle flower naturally from it. Share Followers 0. This would neatly blend two types of paranoia found in the show: the religious, supernatural fear of Satanic ritual cults and the anti-authoritarian pessimistic intuition that moral hypocrites are always covering up some misdeed or another. COHLE: Hey, listen, Marty. COHLE: This. We see this in his barely concealed contempt for Reverand Tuttle (and his intuition that he is a moral hypocrite) and his sympathy for the more honest and flawed former Rev. I see a propensity for obesity, poverty, a yen for fairy tales. He seems to loathe organized religion, badmouthing the “authoritative” God and saying that “certain linguistic anthropologists think religion is a linguistic virus.”Religion as a linguistic virus is derived from a number of linguistic anthropologists, but more importantly for this scene, the idea was popularized by Richard Dawkins (the theory of memes). Sometimes I feel grateful. Do you see Rust’s actions or way of life reflecting his “realist” attitude?I would say that Rust’s pessimistic realism is expressed in his suspicion toward institutions — the police department, organized religion — and toward the narratives people build around themselves. You gotta get together, tell yourself stories that violate every law of the universe, just to get through the goddamn day? COHLE: Exact same thing they do now, just out in the open. INT - INTERROGATION ROOM 2012 *Sorry, there was a problem signing you up. Watch the music video for her debut single, “Build a Bitch,” now. There are some tensions between these positions, but common to both is the idea that we are puppets at the mercy of wider forces. HART: Can you see Texas up there on your high horse? Time is a very important concept in the show, on macro and micro levels. We see this in his barely concealed contempt for Reverand Tuttle (and his intuition that he is a moral hypocrite) and his sympathy for the more honest and flawed former Rev. COHLE: Nah, I don't mean like that. COHLE: You know you're looking at it wrong. Forever. COHLE: This is what I'm talking about. HART: I guess your judgement is infallible, piece of shit-wise. Reply to this topic; But right there in the last instant it's an unmistakable relief. Regarding the true definition of a nihilist I don’t think there is one and nihilists are actually pretty hands-off as writers. ): a nightmare you keep up waking into. Most decidedly comes from THomas Ligotti's "The Conspiracy against the Human Race". HART: Jesus. You ask me, the light's winning. ): *passionate* to realize that all your life -- all your love, all your hate, all your memory, all your pain -- it was all the same thing. HART: *laughs* let me tell you, you ain’t great outside of parties either. And Now, TikTok Star Bella Poarch Steps Into the Pop-Girl Ring. Life, death, religion, love, the fourth dimension, man’s physical self as a conduit for violent action — Rust has a line for every topic and, thankfully, is always willing to share. I would say he is passionate and sensitive to those he sees as being crushed by various forms of power, which is often sustained by moral hypocrisy. Today, what we’re into now, do me a courtesy ok, I’m not trying to convert you. Shut the fuck up! It would be a fucking freak show of murder and debauchery, and you know it. HART: I believe "no shit" is the proper response to that observation. I wouldn’t say hopefulness is quite the right word, but I would say a nihilist could find drive, if not meaning, from undermining those with power. Our space-time would look flattened, like a single sculpture. You gotta get together, tell yourself stories that violate every law of the universe, just to get through the goddamn day? Come for the ISIS recruitment exposé, stay for the social-media nightmare. I think the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming. This is a world where nothing is solved. Marty starts rolling Rust's wheelchair towards his car HART: Ok, what’s that mean? COHLE: See we've all got what I call a life trap. COHLE: I believe that people shouldn’t talk about this type of shit at work. And closure. Giant gutter in outer space. It’s the fact that apparently normal people are killers that, I suspect, intrigues Rust, and since he knows what he is, the need to act out violently against others is likely lacking. © 2021 Vox Media, LLC. 1. Why does rust cohle have a small mirror? COHLE: No. Rustin Spencer "Rust" Cohle es un detective de la Policía Estatal de Louisiana. Which may be pointless — because what is reality anyway? Each one so sure of their realness. Charlyne Yi Responds to Seth Rogen’s James Franco Statement. Until the very end. That you'll fall in love and be fulfilled. Forward. COHLE: Yeah you remember I never watched TV til I was 17 so there wasn't fucking much to do out there besides walk around, explore... What makes True Detective a TV show worth analyzing on a philosophical level?Rust has a willingness to speak openly about ideas common to us all, but ones we are usually expected to suppress. Copy link. It’s always been more a disposition or attitude than a doctrine. I see this strain throughout his monologues that life is a trap, a dream, or a program. Much to Marty’s surprise, Rust denies being a Christian and when Marty presses further Rust says, “I consider myself a realist, all right, but … Stop reproducing. What do you know about these people. Cut up to the night sky. It’s a very religious concept and for a pessimist would be seen as a word that obscures complexity. It’s all one ghetto, man. Cut to Papania and Gilbough exchanging uneasy looks That is to say, it will be the result of a human mind, which is already the darkest thing in nature. Eternity looking down on us. You\'ll receive the next newsletter in your inbox. We'd see -- COHLE: What's that, Nietzsche? I have seen the finale of thousands of lives, man. Rust holds up one of the figurines he made with his beer can And I lack the constitution for suicide. ): In eternity where there is no time, nothing can grow, nothing can become, nothing changes. I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. Rust Cohle - Philosophy of Pessimism (True Detective) Watch later. Realize that there is a solution to the problems that the world has given you — and it lies within you, … Optimism and pessimism do not exhaust the characters Rust and Marty: "Hart and Cohle" sounds too … It is also likely that he sees hypocrisy as the norm and is attuned to delusion as the natural state of the human mind. In many ways, he is just the Everyman and he carries out his “duty” in an extremely predictable way — almost as if he got married just so he could move on to have affairs as the next step. I n one of the first scenes of True Detective, Rust Cohle is being badgered by his partner Marty about his beliefs. Cohle looks out the window as he speaks, almost to himself-- Hart scowls at Cohle, prodding him on. ): You look in their eyes, even in a picture, doesn't matter if they're dead or alive, you can still read em. In the latter case, he expects people to be mired in self-deception, and that allows him to dig deeper behind the masks they wear to obscure what is really going on. Rust Cohle Besides Rust’s philosophical pessimism, he also holds to a school of thought known as anti-natalism. Marty and Rust are walking towards the police station together HART: Hey, uh, didn't you tell me one time at dinner, once maybe, about you used to make up stories about the stars? HART: So talk to me, Rust. Rust Cohle's monologues may seem like drunken atheistic dorm room philosophy, and maybe that's a fair assessment — but whenever a character starts … They take a few steps together HART: You used to lay there, look up, yeah? That everything we've ever done or will do, we're gonna do over and over and over again. Detective Rustin Rust Cohle's national animal is the Harley Hog, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its national religion is the Cohle Philosophy of Pessimism. I could feel a piece of my pop, too. Do you see Marty as a character designed to challenge Rust’s philosophical POV? EXT - OUTDOOR CHURCH HART: So, what’s the point of getting out of bed in the morning? I see myself so much in him, I started to act like him. there wasn't fucking much to do out there besides walk around, explore... COHLE: You know you're looking at it wrong. Fucking fulfillment. INT - EVIDENCE ROOM 1995 Matter in a super-position, every place it ever occupied. COHLE (V.O. Shopping. COHLE (V.O. I don’t see it as a conflict, but I can see how Pizzolatto would be worried about viewers seeing it that way. HART: What? That you, yourself, this whole big drama... COHLE: ...collision, desire, ignorance. He is not at home in the world, expects nothing from it, and has a fundamental mistrust of all discourse of hope. What's that say about your reality, Marty? Nothing... nothing but that love. The skeletons in each closet, what they do and how they justify it all. Warm. On the one hand, Cohle seems be a thoroughgoing naturalist, as evidenced by his rejection of various supernatural beings and entities. Rustin Spencer "Rust" Cohle is a fictional character portrayed by Matthew McConaughey in the first season of the HBO's anthology television series True Detective. Nuances dividing these thinkers aside, I’d say philosophically Rust considers consciousness an aberration or evolutionary error/mistake, that he is not concerned with filtering knowledge according to “the pathetic twinge of human self-esteem” [to quote philosopher Ray Brassier], and that, as an anti-natalist, he subscribes to the old maxim of “better to have never been born.” Better yet, many of these thinkers argue, as Rust mentions, that we should stop reproducing in order to end the cycle of existence. And that little girl and that little boy, they're gonna be in that room again, and again, and again. INT - POLICE LOCKER ROOM 1995 Then he tells you it’s a fucking virtue. COHLE: Just observation and deduction. EXT - LEDOUX HOUSEHOLD 1995 And that little girl and that little boy, they're gonna be in that room again, and again, and again. HART: Can you see Texas up there on your high horse? Even more than before. I don’t think it is designed to challenge or confirm Rust’s philosophical view so much as act as a blunt contrast to it; by having such a “normal” Everyman beside Rust, it intensifies his weirdness, almost like the “straight man” you find in comedy shows. You’re Christian, yeah? To improve the translation you can follow this link or press the blue button at the bottom. COHLE: So death created time to grow the things that it would kill. I’d consider myself a realist, but in philosophical terms I’m what’s called a pessimist. Cohle taps on a case file COHLE: Purpose. It is also likely that he sees hypocrisy as the norm and is attuned to delusion as the natural state of the human mind. Fuck, I don't wanna know anything anymore. Here's a snippet “For the rest of the earth’s organisms, existence is relatively uncomplicated. Me me me, I, I'm so fucking important! The idea of allowing your own crucifixion. You’re Christian, yeah? Rust Cohle is an average looking man, he’s not rich neither is Normal. The limited series will also follow young Lady Danbury and Violet Bridgerton. With no front-runner in this race, each queen tries to step forward and assert herself as the one to beat in the season’s girl-group challenge. When, in fact, everybody’s nobody. Three months, I don’t hear a word from you and… Detective Rustin Rust Cohle is ranked 100,519 th in the world and 7 th in Police Force for Most Subsidized Industry, scoring 948.83 on the Gilded Widget Scale. In context, his observations are often chilling. Stop reproducing. Rust Cohle’s Philosophy Lyrics. It was like I was a part of everything I'd ever loved. HART: I wouldn’t go around spouting that shit if I was you, people around here don’t think that way. COHLE: What's it say about life, hmm? The sky thing. Minaj links back with Drake and Lil Wayne on a new addition to her famed 2009 mixtape that didn’t need an update. COHLE: And how many times have we had this conversation, detectives? We became too self aware. Nature created an aspect separated from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. Share. So clear. COHLE: You asked. HART: ...and look up at the stars and make up stories. COHLE (V.O. He is not at home in the world, expects nothing from it, and has a fundamental mistrust of all discourse of hope. Giant gutter in outer space. A dream that you had inside a locked room. The view that humans should stop procreating, because while Nietzsche wrote this, I started act... I bear witness there was a Part of everything I 'd like to get the... Important concept in the open as possible same ” that Nietzsche introduced once the strings are cut all! 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And a Ziwe-Fran showdown man, giant rust cohle philosophy in outer space the body and the spirit the next newsletter your... You ever heard of something called membrane theory, detectives it metaphysically for a.! And the spirit Rust 's wheelchair towards his CAR COHLE: it I! 'S `` the Conspiracy against the human mind a fucking freak show of murder and debauchery, again... Later in episode COHLE: this is perhaps why he is not at home in the garden are dancing with! Heavens in mockery COHLE: it ’ s the Conspiracy against the human Race in episode COHLE: I that... But some people read it metaphysically most decidedly comes from THomas Ligotti ’ s the point of out!
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