The group considers their doctrines and beliefs to be sacred and beyond question. Frederick P. Lenz: Occult, ancient Egyptian rituals, meditation, Atlantis. "[8]:xx Almost one century later, Herman Daly has Fox, Matthew: Dominican Catholic priest silenced by the Vatican for teaching blatant New Age theology (which he calls "creation-centered spirituality"). Religious Science, Ernest Holmes: One of the Mind Sciences, professes to represent the best thought of all religions. According to the study a drastic change in lifestyle is necessary for solving the ecological crisis. Publishes The Unexplained magazine. Davis, Haviland: Albany, NY: Leader of a Bible Students splinter group from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Keynes rejected the basic tenet of classical economics that free markets would lead to full employment by themselves. Theosophical Society International, Pasadena, CA: Offshoot of Theosophy. New Age Teachings, Brookfield, MA: New Age, meditation, cosmic vibrations, divine energy. International Assembly of Wizards, Brooklyn, NY: Occult, karma-based cycles, cosmic vibrations, astrology. Modalism: (Patripassianism, Modalistic Monarchianism, Sabellianism, Jesus Only, Oneness Pentecostalism) Originally, a second and third century heresy that denies the doctrine of the Trinity, teaching there is only one Person in the Godhead. The current leader and prophet of the movement, Grant McMurray, was the first exception to this practice. One of the most common solutions to the climate crisis is transitioning to renewable energy, but it also has some environmental impacts. Publishes the Proclaim Liberty magazine. Gawain, Shakti: New Age author who popularized Buddhism through creative visualization (meditation) techniques. Also an ancient occult belief that certain objects or symbols contain supernatural magical powers, used for attraction of love, health, success and power to control nature or others. Throughout this period the Jews developed a strong sense of national identity, identification with the Promised Land, and anticipation of a coming Messiah or Christ ("Anointed One"). In the first century AD, Christianity originated with the belief that Jesus was that promised Messiah. Profile available. Author Services, Inc.: Promotes Scientology philosophy. The Mind Control theory is not justification for holding individuals against their will or for conducting forcible, involuntary deprogramming. Greater Grace World Outreach, Carl H. Stevens, Jr., Baltimore, MD: Formerly "The Bible Speaks." A similar doctrine called the Plural Covenant theory emphasizes other covenants in addition to these two major systems. Johannine Daist Communion, "Da Free John." Wilde, Stuart: Prominent New Age author and lecturer. [95], A report from the Lancet commission says the same. Church of the Final Judgement: See Process Church of the Final Judgement. Thus the Bible becomes inspired in its proclamation when the Holy Spirit quickens faith and obedience in its hearers. The foot or hand is seen as a microcosm of the human body and/or the universe. Smith thereby disseminated and established a concept that has since been a cornerstone in economics throughout most of the world: In a liberal capitalist society, provided with a stable institutional and legal framework, an 'invisible hand' will ensure that the enlightened self-interest of all members of society will contribute to the growth and prosperity of society as a whole, thereby leading to an 'obvious and simple system of natural liberty'. Denver, John: Prominent New Age singer who promoted est, Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, and the Windstar Foundation before his death in 1997. The 16th century Protestants saw their main doctrinal differences with Catholicism to include: Soli Deo Gloria ("only to God's glory," God's wisdom and glory as opposed to church/papal sovereignty); Sola Scriptura ("Scripture only," the authority of the Bible over official Papal interpretation and tradition), and Sola Gratia (salvation "by grace alone," eternal life received from God as a free gift by grace through faith in the imputed righteousness of Christ rather than by works, rituals, or sacraments). Achievement of the highest potential within the highest kingdomGodhoodrequires complete "obedience to all the laws and ordinances of the gospel." Deseret Shadow Church: See Church of Essential Science. Inner Way, Bruce Derby, Homeland, CA: Spirit guides, mystical use of names. See House of David. Originally worshipped as the god or warriors or leaders, it is his responsibility to delay, as long as possible, Ragnarok, the day of doom. Brotherhood of the White Temple, Inc., M. Doreal, Castle Rock, CO: New Age/occult metaphysical teachings, soul illumination, three planes of existence. Teaches the world has no objective meaning, enlightenment, and to live moment to moment with no regard for the future. Golden Book of the Theosophical Society, The: See Rosicrucianism. This type of stage magic is not inherently evil, although occultists have occasionally used stage magic in an attempt to claim supernatural abilities. Teaches Jesus is the Black Messiah sent to rebuild the Black Nation Israel and liberate the Black People from oppression, brutality, and exploitation of the white gentile world (from the Black Nationalist Creed). Hoffman, Teri, Dallas, TX: New Age guru, believed to practice mind control. Demons:Fallen angels under the direction of Satan who seek to destroy God's purpose and people. Spiritual Abuse: The damage or mistreatment of someone seeking spiritual or religious help or guidance. Research material and Profile are available. According to legend, Taoism founder Lao-tzu wrote Tao Te Ching ("The Way and Its Power") about 550 BC. See also Church of the White Eagle Lodge. This involves kneeling before a gohonzon (black wooden box containing passages from the Lotus Sutra), quoting this scripture, and chanting the daimoku ("nam-myoho-renge-kyo"). How to tell a shattered story? John Stuart Mill was the leading economist, philosopher and social reformer in mid-19th century Britain. New Life Clinic, Baltimore, MD: Parapsychology, psychic phenomena, clairvoyance. Becoming increasingly controversial and bizarre, Miller's group drew national media attention in 1998 when over 50 followers fled the Denver area and disappeared after Miller predicted the Apocalypse was to begin and that Denver was to be destroyed by an earthquake on October 10. They do not hold to many of the LDS distinctive doctrines, including the polygamy of the 19th century LDS Church and the LDS belief (still held) that God was once a man. Smith, Joseph: Founder of The Church of Jesus Christof Latter-day Saints. a.k.a. Some forms of Hinduism combine polytheism with pantheism (all is God). Church of Bible Understanding (C.O.B.U. Originally any study or discussion of non-physical, spiritual, or non-material realities. Guru Dev: Hindu Swami (religious master) who was the teacher of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Transcendental Meditation. No rebound effects are able to appear, as any temporary excess demand will result only in, Economic activity is generally guided by the, Private corporations generally resist government regulations and restrictions that impede profits and deter, Reducing the consumption of energy is a very popular measure implemented by many, called generally, This page was last edited on 6 May 2021, at 20:22. ), many Christian individuals and churches have condemned Freemasonry or warned of elements that they believe are contrary to Christianity. Biblical Research Centers: Regional centers for The Way International. Freemasonry: A fraternal order revived in the early 18th century in England, loosely based on associations or guilds of stone cutters ("operative" masons). Except the reasons linked to resource depletion and the carrying capacity of the ecological system, there are other reasons to limit consumption - overconsumption hurts the well-being of those who consume too much. Olcott Library, Wheaton, IL: New Age library, Theosophy, parapsychology, reincarnation. Church of Christ with the Elijah Message, Otto Fetting, Independence, MO: Splinter group that broke away from the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Savior of All Fellowship, Montclair, CA: Universalism. Congregation of God Seventh Day, John Pinkston: Armstrongism break-off group. Holy Grail Foundation, Leona Richards, Santa Cruz, CA: New Age, Ascended Masters, reincarnation. This is different from biblical Meditation where one is encouraged to meditate on God, His attributes or His word, employing the whole mind (Joshua 1:8; Luke 10:27). Publishes Purarnave periodical. Profile available. Moonies: Nickname for followers of Rev. Doctrine and Covenants: One of the scriptures or "Standard Works" of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints accepts a different version of the work as scripture. Teaches annihilationism, salvation by law-keeping, Sabbatarianism, and that man can become a member of "the God family" (Godhead). Aetherius Society, Sir George King: Clairvoyance, karma, reincarnation, psychometry, Great White Brotherhood, UFOs, alchemy, occult secrets of Jesus, mantras. Zen Master Rama, a.k.a. of the individual. This group is not to be confused with the Mesa, Arizona-based Concerned Christians, a Christian ministry to Mormons led by Jim Robertson. First, it will impose a logical distortion on the issue. Congregation of the Firstborn, Raymond Glenn, Grapeland, TX: Teaches that Jesus is not God; also sabbatarianism, festival keeping. Music Square Church: See Alamo Christian Foundation. Masters, Roy: Founder of the Foundation of Human Understanding. Publishes Christian Outlook. Firewalking Institute of Research and Education, Twain Harte, CA: Firewalking, shamanism, meditation, sweat lodge, rebirthing. Church of the New Birth: See Foundation Church of Divine Truth. New Age groups sometimes understand the term "Christ" as a reference to the deity found in all humanity (the Cosmic Christ). New Age Journal, Brighton, MA: New Age periodical. Church of Light, Elbert Benjamin, Los Angeles, CA: New Age, Associated with the Brotherhood of Light, rejects heaven and hell. Publishes The Philadelphia Trumpet magazine. Dorene Publishing, Arlington, TX: Occult, talismans and other pagan memorabilia. TM: Acronym for Transcendental Meditation. In 2009, two separate studies were published that — among other things — addressed the issues of resource decoupling and the rebound effect: German scientist and politician Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker published Factor Five: Transforming the Global Economy through 80% Improvements in Resource Productivity, co-authored with a team of researchers from The Natural Edge Project. Brotherhood and Order of the Pleroma, Richard Duc de Palatine, Sherman Oaks, CA: New Age revival of Gnosticism, God and man are the same being. The first four books of the New Testament, which consist of accounts of Jesus' ministry, death, and resurrection (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), are also called the Gospels. Daily Word: A monthly publication of Unity School of Christianity. Church of God General Conference, Oregon, IL: Rejects the Trinity. Christian Fellowship, The: See Potter's House. Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy, Swami Rama, Honesdale, PA: New Age, Hinduism, yoga, meditation. Considered by some to have been the greatest mystical teacher of all times. Arete Truth Center, Paul Lachlan Peck, Las Vegas, NV: New Age, metaphysics, teaches balancing the body, mind and spirit. Growth and controversy developed during the administration of their second leader, the late Witness Lee, who moved to America in 1962 founding Living Stream Ministry. NLP: Acronym for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Visualization: New Age practice of using one's imagination allegedly to affect or manipulate reality. Taken together, higher durability translates into better ecology in the system as a whole. Christ Light Community: See New Age Church of Truth. The orthodox doctrine of the Trinity is rejected as polytheistic. Jesus is a created being known originally as Michael the Archangel; he is "a god," not Jehovah. Some New Age followers teach that the term was Christ's reference to reincarnation or rebirthing. Often involves incantations, and the ceremonial use of herbs, candles, knives, or other occult paraphernalia. It is sometimes believed to work by opening blocked meridians in the body which will then allow the body's energy or chi to flow freely. Mind Power Technique: New Age process to read auras and balance chakras. Evangelical Christianity: Evangelical (from the Greek euangelion, good news or gospel) generally means a focus on the essentials of Christianity. Institute of Esoteric Study, Milwaukee, WI: Occult, Lunar festivals, astrology, paganism. Phanes, Grand Rapid, MI: New Age, paganism, goddess worship, alchemy, Kabbalah. Doctors and hospitals are not allowed. Forms of gnosticism affected early Christianity. Faithbuilders Fellowship, San Diego, CA: Theology similar to Jehovah's Witnesses. Scully, Nicki, Eugene, OR: Egyptian rituals, magic, Mayan ceremonies. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. Mon-Ka Retreat and Universal Mother Mary's Garden of Healing, Energy, Love and Light, Mary Pacquette, Gabriel Green, Grass Valley, CA: Channeling, UFOs, I AM teachings of St. Germain, Ascended Masters, crystals, Rosicrucian teachings, psychic readings. Publishes Practical Evidence and Study of the World of God and Buddha, God's Descending in Clouds (Flying Saucers) on Earth to Save People.. In effect, such an economy does not grow in the course of time. Potter's House, Wayman Mitchell, Prescott, AZ: Originally called Victory Chapel, churches affiliated with Mitchell go under the names Praise Chapel, The Door, Grace Chapel, The Christian Fellowship, La Capilla de la Victory, La Casa Del Alfarero, and La Puerta. John-David Learning Institute, Carlsbad, CA: New Age, Brain-Mind expansion, Brain relations development. Profile available. Holiness Tabernacle, Dyer, AR: See Alamo Christian Foundation. The term is usually reserved to refer to false teachings considered so serious that belief in them excludes the followers from the true faith and salvation; in other words, a belief viewed as fatal to the gospel. Chinmaya International Foundation, Swami Chinmayananda, Piercy, CA: Eastern mysticism, yoga, meditation. He wrote Arcana Coelestia: The Earths in the Universe. See Holistic Health. Fitch, Joseph: See Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship. Guru: Eastern/Hindu religious teacher (sometimes thought to be a focus of worship or adoration) who gives personal guidance towards enlightenment. Golden Eagle Sanctuary, Hot Springs, AR: Yoga, crystalss, pyramidology, aura balancing. The mystical tradition of Sufism includes many Sunnis and some Shi'ites. Universal Life Church of the Seven African Powers, Miami, FL: Santeria; honor the god Ogun. The era of relatively peaceful economic expansion that has prevailed globally since World War II may be interrupted by unexpected supply shocks or simply be succeeded by the peaking depletion paths of oil and other valuable minerals. See Fundamental Christianity. Black candles are used and Catholic prayers recited backwards. Millions of sins, filthy deeds, acts of violence and physical contagions ? They warned of false teachings in his works, including a denial of objective morality and the claim that all religion, including Christianity, are obstacles to truth. Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Hudson River Valley, NY: New Age, aromatherapy, Kabbalah studies, astrology, crystals, Mystical Quest. Di Mambro, Joseph: See Order of the Solar Temple. Center for Alternate Realities, Durango, CO: Metaphysics, crystals, shamanism, runes, Tarot Cards, guided meditation, palm reading. Delphi School, Sheridan, OR: Uses the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Church of Scientology. Inner Light Foundation, Betty Bethards, Novato, CA: Psychic, meditation, inner spirit guides, Atlantis. Gunvik, Sigurd: This man's teachings are a mixture of Jehovah's Witnesses and Sacred Name theology. Shenoa Retreat Center, Philo, CA: New Age, consciousness healing, uses A Course in Miracles, Hinduism, Buddhism. Blessed Be: A common greeting used among Wiccans to invoke or wish happiness and well-being. See Aromatherapy. Not to be confused with Exit Counseling. Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E. Chiropractic Medicine: A holistic health practice whereby practitioners use a form of manipulative therapy to treat musculoskeletal problems. He teaches people to perform "life reviews" to enhance their perception of life and death and to find their life missions. Swedenborg Foundation, Emanuel Swedenborg, New York, NY: Denies the Trinity, rejects many books of the Bible. By the time food reaches the consumer, 9% (160 million tons) goes uneaten and 10% is lost to overconsumption - meaning consumers ate more than the calorie intake requirement. Some proponents may even reject modern civilization as such, either partly or completely, whereby the concept of a declining-state economy begins bordering on the ideology of anarcho-primitivism, on radical ecological doomsaying or on some variants of survivalism. However, this course of development was impeded by the Corn Laws that seemed to be hampering both the industrialisation and the internationalization of the British economy. Atonement to be found in each person's own path. Grand Canyon Society, Scottsdale, AZ: New Age, channeling, members use The URANTIA Book as their text. Cult of Confession: One of eight criteria of Mind Control according to Robert Lifton's theory of Thought Reform. Understanding Inc., Daniel Fry, Tonopah, AZ: UFOs, Atlantis, ESP. Midwest Research of Michigan, Walled Lake, MI: Visualization, deep relaxation techniques, Subliminal tapes. Iglesia Ni Cristo, Felix Manalo: Rejects the Trinity; teaches salvation by works, salvation found only in this group. Fellowship For Spiritual Understanding, Marcus Bach, Palos Verdes Estates, CA: Similar teaching to Unity School of Christianity, denies reality of death, teaches man is God. American Leadership College, Inc. Osceola, IA: New Age/occult teachings on trance healings, mediumship, self-realization dreams. Marx wrote, "The criticism of religion ends with the teaching that man is the highest being for man?" Disengagement of the "passions, desires, and thinking" is essential for entrance into the latihan. Key verses have been inaccurately rendered especially to obscure the deity of Christ. This includes, in most cases, even family members or friends, who are not allowed to talk or share a meal with the shunned. Taught Christ would return in 1998. Publishes Insight. Publishes Notes For Bible Students newsletter. Jesus Only: Nickname for Oneness Pentecostalism. Thought Trends, Roswell, GA: New Age newspaper. Divine Science, Denver CO: Similar to Christian Science theology: God is All, man is a part of the All, thus man is God. As practiced by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, it is an alternate term for "excommunication," being completely cut off from Jehovah's organization; see Shunning. Christ Family, Charles McHugh: McHugh, a.k.a. Shared Heart Foundation, Joyce and Berry Vissell, Aptos, CA: New Age, promotes numerous mystical and esoteric writers. Room, board, and a small allowance for incidentals are provided in exchange for otherwise unpaid labor in Peace Mission owned businesses or projects. ), Mafu (see Torres, Penny), Seth (see Roberts, Jane), and others. Monarchianism: View found primarily in the third century that denied the Trinity, arguing that because God's nature is one He cannot exist eternally in three Persons. Biblical Church of God, Santa Cruz, CA: Armstrongism splinter group. Marxism/Leninism, Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, V.I. Best known for her book, A Return To Love; also wrote Illuminata and other books. See Armstrongism. Many see the earth as one large living organism made of numerous parts, much as the human body is one living organism with various parts. Publishes The Runestone newsletter. Ordo Adeptorum Invisiblum, Chicago, IL: Magic rituals, Egyptian goddess Maat, teachings of Aleister Crowley. Legalism can be a form of spiritual abuse. Teaches the balancing of vibrational centers for health through diet, exercise, herbs, and purification procedures. Foundation of Revelation, San Francisco, CA: Eastern mysticism, yoga. Spirit Electronic Communication Society, Manchester, England: A spiritualist organization founded in 1949 devoted to study Zwaan Rays, an alleged energy field that supposedly can arouse latent psychic abilities in humans. 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