Thanks for sharing these insights. Launching projects to aid the above (e.g.. It's true, some people really do have a good and bad side! I really feel that you genuinely wanted to help people and you did. Coupled with an obsession with celebrity and the idea of fame in general, the media does not hold back when it comes to laying bare the lives of the well-known. Is fame going to impact your life negatively or positively? These are people I hope will be my close brothers and sisters for life. I even had a discussion with my son as we share the same name. Thank you so much Tim! Also, being famous almost always relates to being successful in something. How much fame suits a person honestly comes down to individual preference and resilience when facing its consequences. Share to Twitter … He finished by saying that he was sorry, but that he had to end things. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t trade places with you, even though I’m fascinated b what you do. Wow Tim. I have zero interest in fame but a massive interest in financial rewards so I think ill take part of the advice on offer here and go for the money. I have always wanted to to know you since reading 4-hour work week and your blogs etc. Much to think about. The good side effects we can see during this medical crisis brought about by the coronavirus is the love, concern and care shown by dedicated caregivers, nurses and medical workers. Thank you for writing it. But from closer up, there might be a range of problems that make anonymity preferable. I’m curious what you think about using pen names for writing, business and everyday life. Steven Adler I always thought that being famous would be kind of annoying, but these things are beyond annoying. Currently, I am especially glad to be reading about the positive effects psychedelic treatment have in helping those with certain mental illnesses like depression, etc. That’s it. Miranda Lambert is one of the queens of modern country music. The guy just wanted to make music, he never wanted to influence or special treatment. I am not a celebrity. Jay-Z once said in a lyric about reaching for fame that “[people are] brainless, to unnecessarily go through these changes”. Tim, read in one of your email dispatches you were looking for a decent decaf coffee. “If I didn't care for fun and such, I'd probably amount to much. The last part of the quote is very critical – considering “timing” which is foundational to “ROI”. It sounds so nice to be famous - from afar. Good and bad, I've loved and am thankful for that chapter. Cobain detested fame, and detested most of his fans as well, since in his mind they resembled—and sometimes were—the very same small-minded, … Careful out there Tim. I am personally grateful to you for warning me about the downsides of maximising popularity in our conversation in Denver back in 2017. You have been through a lot, Tim. The Dark Side of Web Fame. There’s the good, the bad and the ugly uses of cancel culture, and I’ve seen A LOT more of the bad and especially the ugly. Perhaps—just perhaps—you should give stardom a shot. In that sense, I see you as a kind of “Karma Yogi”, and the more of them we have in the world, the better! What did I do or say that caused this? Fame isn’t for everyone. Soon, I was engulfed in a hailstorm of both great and terrible things, and I was utterly unprepared for any of it. I suspected most of this harassment was par for the course of fame, but your description really gives it a sad but relatable visual. ), the tail (Fancy cars in a photo shoot! Coupled with a lack of determination and passion for what you do, this can easily lead to depression. My past isn’t squeaky clean by any means! It’s also exciting to see your evolving work surrounding mental health. KissFact or Fiction. Really grateful that you did become famous as I and so many people have gotten so much out of what you have offered to the world. From someone who never desired fame, your perspective seems to some up the reasons why. As usual, Tim, your insights are raw and yet pensive! Hmm a bit of a dilemma for me. They are considered scary when the vast majority are not. That chapter, “Ready for the Close-up: Celebrity Experience and the Phenomenology of Fame,” describes the dead-end cycle of fame’s merry-go-round through first-hand reports of celebrity experience in the book “Film and Television Stardom.” I’m admittedly guilty of asking a few of our mutual friends to connect us for coffee etc when I’ve been in Austin or you’ve been in Israel, so I’m sorry if I’ve added to that stress. It hit the New York Times Hardcover Business bestseller list, where it stayed for an unbroken four years and four months. Pura vida. I do not care about fame but as an up and coming speaker I know that the more famous I get the more speaking gigs I get + the more I can charge per gig. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page. But … It was #1 in England and America. You are an evil one who has gained the world and lost your soul. Thanks for the low down and for sharing your thoughts with us. At the very least, it must be an exaggeration, right? Shit is real. But he became successful and fame came with success. Are you going to use fame to change in the world negatively or positively? As for those whose fame is a result of hard work, talent, high IQ or great achievements, their fame is well-earned. OTOH, a fraudulent guardianship that was filed in an adjoining state was thrown out of court because the nonexistent address the thieves used was itself proved fraudulent by a drivers’ license check. Thanks! i’m just too trusting and open, and also that’s not the kind of fulfillment I crave. Yikes! Your truths show that fame comes with a hefty price – maybe being rich would be enough! If the entity you are receiving from does not ship to P.O. by Mary Elizabeth Strunk. For example, it’s difficult to promote your book without showing your face, giving interviews, etc. Here’s an email I received in July of 2007: [Your sport] shows that you are a hypocrite to profess helping others with your book. All that may be fun. This has been especially helpful since I’ve started to build a decent sized audience and I always wonder about that. Sure, your subject matter and content matters, but it doesn’t matter as much as you’d like to think. Instead, I’m here to bring out or discuss the about the fame and its good side as well the bad side. I’m glad you wrote this after checking about it on Twitter (and/or elsewhere). They are usually the ones who are, no matter how good they are at what they do, less famous than the ones who deserve it … Possible someone could check and make sure I’m getting those? —Chris Sumlin. No matter what part you grab beforehand, you can’t fully appreciate the scope of experience until you’re in it. Never FEAR surge in me reading a point of view from a businessman. Leveraging the reach and visibility through the internet is obviously a new dimension of being famous and humanity is currently testing how it is getting along with it. Thank you. Nearly all of my friends who have audiences of 1M or more have personal stories for every category I’ll describe. But it is true nonetheless, there are a variety of people around the world and everyone has a different preference. Let’s take Avicci for example, a world-renowned DJ who committed suicide not long ago. Well said. I simply couldn’t handle it otherwise. Try Daz Bog decaf, particularly the French Roast but they have other flavors. Despite being less than 1/1000 famous than you I got into some of the same issues you mentioned, this is why I started to separate my social media life to my real life in order to protect my family but I definitely got inspired by next level. Thank you for revealing the truth of it with your personal experiences. Read about Ellen De Generes’ story here and Avicci’s story here. But some, some just want to be left alone. This should be another Ted Talk. If you make the right choices as someone famous, then the fame is truly deserved. It's not good at all, contrary to popular belief not all celebrities are rich, they also don't live in fancy mansions and drive fancy cars, wear really expensive clothes and jewelry and the ones you see on TV aren't even ones they own. Would it have changed my behavior? I often say “we are so lucky” to my wife. It was still a very interesting read. It’s clear to see that there are many dangers of fame, but at the same time, it could be hard to accomplish anything big in life if you try to stay anonymous. It puts the risks & rewards of fame into very clear blocks that everyone can understand. Truly. keep churning out the content. Fortunately, unlike during my darkest period in college, I wasn’t serious about suicide. But it would be enough if people would just be happy about their idols contribution rather than using their idol as a all-in rolemodel. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Ask a 40-year-old adult and that probability goes down to 50/50. The dream to be rich and famous is definitely not a new one – it’s been around for as long as I can remember- and that’s a long time! I understand your curiosity though . To some, of course, the negative side of fame is more damaging than to others. Keep on going searching for truth, Tim and don’t take the world too serious . Think of yourself as the leader of a tribe or the mayor of a city. I would fall under “microinfluencer” and sometimes get recognized at events. Jul 8, 2015. One of my mentors and friends is a music celebrity and I’m so thankful he consistently advised me to focus on artistry and not be motivated by fame. This goes double for anyone with a serious identity thief. There are exceptions to this of course, like Avicci as I mentioned earlier. Secondly, because, as long as we seek happiness outside of ourselves, we will never find it. be — cool. (And I see your point as well.) Fame is a dangerous drug. Very few people do that. ), Hey Michelle, I think Tim mentioned his post that for a lot of reasons, including privacy and safety, that he doesn’t want his close ones in the public eye. Here and there, I’d feel the ears (A celebrity in a cover story! Go purely light-hearted and you risk being toothless. The good side of fame. During my college years, one of my dorm mate’s dads was a famous Hollywood producer. I personally believe that as long as you do what you want to do, become successful in it and adapt to the spotlight, you won’t have much problem with fame. Thanks for the honesty…. I’m working on my own internet company (inspired by 4 hour work week). Fame has its perks and might seem attractive at first, however most people don’t see the negative side. I think I sometimes equate being “famous” with being “special” and it gives some sort of validity. To wrap your head around what “famous” really means, there is one metaphor that might help. I had an in law that was (arguably) one of the most popular celebs around the time you got started. In today’s world, you can … (Needless to say, you are on my fantasy dinner party list, but don’t worry – not knocking on your door any time soon!). Like a survival guide for the famous; Jason Bourne style. For most of you, there’s a decent chance kids seemed pretty sane. Of course you would—that is exactly why this perk of being famous is just too tempting. Some previous unknowns on TikTok, for example, have attracted millions of followers in a matter of weeks. I feel sad and sick at the same time. So I will conclude with your work is wonderful and life altering. Wow scary! I got really close with one of the UK’s biggest broadcasters about to make a prime time show with me as the main contributor. Being a celebrity is not as easy as the public perceives it to be. The invasion of privacy, threats, etc became too much and they opted to disappear from the limelight. Thanks Tim for the reminder to be careful what we wish for! I tend to think so. “The VALUE of a thing is the amount of what I will call life, which is required to be exchanged for it, NET the amount of I will call life, which it will create, immediately, or in the long run”. Pratham Dekha is a family drama, that is based on the struggle of two singers who struggle from the bottom and rise to fame and popularity. ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, SOME VERY REAL BENEFITS . People are sometimes desperate, don’t receive enough of attention in their private lives and they search for a way out by becoming an object of admiration in other peoples life by being famous. Thanks for this Tim. Box as the Unit Number. He was clearly agitated and clenching his jaw, making contorted faces and speaking strangely. So I don’t think that’d be a good idea. Now, I’m kinda worried for them and will probably share this article with them so that they can protect themselves. I so much prefer it to the car that sits next to it in the garage which cost much more. Hi Tim, thanks so much for writing this blog. This is so helpful to know. We are all part of a whole and our human condition/persona construct is made up of emotionally unstable parts and we are all maybe an incident, a chemical rush away from psychosis ourselves. Entertainment and sports figures' names and images have been used to encourage … And how many of the remaining folks will simply wake up on the wrong side of the bed today, feeling the need to lash out at someone? Everything changed. One of the most important parts of this to me, and one I have followed as much as I can, is NEVER GIVE OUT YOUR HOME ADDRESS. It would not get me where I want to be in life. This should become required reading in public schools and colleges. Thanks for being real about this, Tim. Hate to post off-topic, but it seems like the only cust support option. That sounds ok to me right now. What an unexpected adventure. In any case, I now see why you can’t let much of anyone through your filters these days – friend of a friend or otherwise… it’s just too risky! Keep up the good work. I’m not even “famous” in the sense of the term we’re talking about here, but still–when you put yourself out there, you’re risking all of the above. I shall envy neither their music nor their colors. Going home for the holidays just got a whole lot better. But as we age, we begin to realize and weigh the responsibility and exposure that comes with fame. She found me on facebook and asked to be friends which I agreed to against my better judgement – then she started contacting my ex-girlfriend’s family (we are still friends) trying to get more info on me, while accusing me of still being with my ex and cheating on her. I first learned of this from you, and then saw this on the recent 60 Minute broadcast. Saw a lot of rich and famous on those floors, Hollywood stars, politicians, and so on. Wow! Thank you for giving me and other parents a tool to help bring fame into a more realistic and balanced perspective for our kids who are so wooed by the excitement of the culture in which they are growing up. The goodness and love of millions of humans have come shining through. Blessings! I would totally read a book about how Tim addresses issues of extortion, kidnapping, etc. In that short span of time, my monthly blog audience had exploded from a small group of friends (20–30?) Hi David! I am sorry that you have had bad experiences. ), or the tusk (Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous!). The moral of the parable is that humans have a tendency to claim absolute truth based on their limited, subjective experience as they ignore other people’s limited, subjective experiences which may be equally true. A comment saying that I should be stuffed into the storage bay of a motorhome really changed how I felt about sharing information to the general public. Really sorry to hear what you have been through. But certainly appears to be a safer bet than fame. One could easily argue that the national exposure that accompanied The 4-Hour Workweek and later books was a necessary ingredient for: And then there are the occasional fringe benefits, like getting tables at busy restaurants, getting free samples of products (although “free” often ends up being the most expensive), and so on. Follow JJ Luna’s thoughts on this from over 50 years ago. I’ve found books like Awareness and Radical Acceptance to be helpful. Lest it appear otherwise, this is not intended to be a woe-is-me post. I was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and left that chapter of my life and those people in the past. For fun, Google “New York City” and click on “News.” On some level, those are the dynamics—good and bad—you will need to deal with if your audience is that large. All mail, including bills and personal letters. Thanks for reminding me how lucky. Everyone needs to have a separate mailing address from their home, one like Virtual Post Mail, or google “virtual mail address”, and use that. Analyze the good and the bad affects of fame. Thanks again for sharing this openly, and for giving regular food for thought. They were, on average, experiencing the same amount of suffering as the folks on the other floors, and they were dealing with it, on average, just about as well. I’m sorry that you have to deal with all that. Jhënê Äîkô . Cheers and keep it up! In Canada, an […] As for those whose fame is a result of hard work, talent, high IQ or great achievements, their fame is well-earned. They then describe the elephant based on their limited experience, and their descriptions of the elephant are different from each other. But how could this be true? Avoided at a certain number of good Samaritans, and then saw on! Time, but sugarcoating issues is not what my dad, who was relatively famous in his field, our! 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