[136] In a separate context, members of small progressive breakaway groups have also adopted the label. [257] For instance, the doctrines of baptism for the dead and the nature of God were introduced in sermons, and one of Smith's most famed statements about there being "no such thing as immaterial matter" was recorded from a casual conversation with a Methodist preacher. [125], Many American newspapers criticized Missouri for the Haun's Mill massacre and the state's expulsion of the Latter Day Saints. [201] Emma said that the very first time she ever became aware of a polygamy revelation being attributed to Smith by Mormons was when she read about it in Orson Pratt's periodical The Seer in 1853. [314], Smith declared that he would be one of the instruments in fulfilling Nebuchadnezzar's statue vision in the Book of Daniel: that secular government would be destroyed without "sword or gun", and would be replaced with a "theodemocratic" Kingdom of God. From 1852 to 1978, the LDS Church enforced a policy that restricted men of black African descent from being ordained to the church's lay priesthood. [121], Smith's months in prison with an ill and whining Rigdon strained their relationship. [189] Smith's sons Joseph III and David also had claims, but Joseph III was too young and David was yet unborn. [65] He was acquitted, but soon both he and Cowdery fled to Colesville to escape a gathering mob. Patriot. [251] The Word of Wisdom was not originally framed as a commandment, but a recommendation. Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, which happened to be the church that Philo Farnsworth was a member of, was just 14 when he had an experience that would change mankind forever. [101], The concept of a united family that lives and progresses forever is at the core of Latter-day Saint doctrine, and Mormons place a high importance on family life. [259] Matter, in Smith's view, could neither be created nor destroyed; the creation involved only the reorganization of existing matter. [26] This vision would come to be regarded by some Mormons as the most important event in human history after the birth, ministry, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Smith and five others, including Rigdon, were charged with "overt acts of treason", and transferred to the jail at Liberty, Missouri, to await trial. [23], The Mormon movement began with the publishing of the Book of Mormon in March 1830, which Smith claimed was a translation of golden plates containing the religious history of an ancient American civilization which had been compiled by the ancient prophet-historian Mormon. Imported or Invented? [280] The endowment was extended to women in 1843, though Smith never clarified whether women could be ordained to priesthood offices. [108], Mormons adhere to the Word of Wisdom, a health law or code that is interpreted as prohibiting the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, coffee and tea,[109] while encouraging the use of herbs, grains, fruits, and a moderate consumption of meat. There was an American Restorationist Movement led by George Adams, a Methodist cum Mormon cum wacko preacher who managed to set up a colony in … Latter-day Saints are counseled not to partake of any form of media that is obscene or pornographic in any way, including media that depicts graphic representations of sex or violence. Money well spent? By this definition, the teachings of Smith's successors are also accepted as scripture, though they are always measured against, and draw heavily from the scriptural canon. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the real name of the Mormon Church) is a worldwide church with over 16,000,000 members. [58] When the narrative described an institutional church and a requirement for baptism, Smith and Cowdery baptized each other. [86] As a military endeavor, the expedition was a failure; the men were outnumbered and suffered from dissension and a cholera outbreak. [77] As Mormons spread out, church leaders created programs that would help preserve the tight-knit community feel of Mormon culture. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—hereafter known as the Mormons—was founded by a gifted opportunist who, despite couching his text in … [104] Smith encouraged the settlement of land outside Caldwell County, instituting a settlement in Adam-ondi-Ahman, in Daviess County. Mormons, however, have a relatively open definition of scripture. [228], Although the Book of Mormon drew many converts to the church, Fawn Brodie argued that the "book lives today because of the prophet, not he because of the book. He supported capital punishment but opposed hanging, preferring execution by firing squad or beheading. For the religion, see. Mormons have a health code which eschews alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tea, coffee, and addictive substances. [25] In 1832, Smith added an account of a vision he had sometime in the early 1820s while living in Upstate New York . [102] In Missouri, the church also took the name "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints", and construction began on a new temple. [86] Black membership has continued to grow substantially, especially in West Africa, where two temples have been built. [42] Meanwhile, Smith introduced temple ceremonies meant to seal families together for eternity, as well as the doctrines of eternal progression or exaltation,[43] and plural marriage. They tend to be very family-oriented and have strong connections across generations and with extended family, reflective of their belief that families can be sealed together beyond death. [216] There, they are divided into two factions: Nephites and Lamanites. A Comparison of Ancient Writing and Numerical Systems in the Americas to those of other World Civilizations and includes an analysis of claims by the Mormons People have speculated since the time of Columbus about where the first inhabitants of the Americas came from. It teaches a false god, a false christ, and a false gospel. [158] The paper decried Smith's new "doctrines of many Gods", alluded to Smith's theocratic aspirations, and called for a repeal of the Nauvoo city charter. The church doubled in size every 15 to 20 years,[89] and by 1996, there were more Mormons outside the United States than inside. Smith said the translation was a religious record of Middle-Eastern indigenous Americans,[45] and were engraved in an unknown language, called reformed Egyptian. After an unknown assailant shot and wounded Missouri governor Lilburn Boggs in May 1842, anti-Mormons circulated rumors that Smith's bodyguard, Porter Rockwell, was the shooter. So to ask who created the universe in Mormonism is asking the wrong question. Harris also took a sample of the characters to a few prominent scholars, including Charles Anthon. [52], However, by June 1828, Harris began having doubts about the project, fueled in part by his wife's skepticism. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can … Smith claimed that an angel had directed him to the golden plates, buried in the Hill Cumorah. [153] Most notably, William Law, Smith's trusted counselor, and Robert Foster, a general of the Nauvoo Legion, disagreed with Smith about how to manage Nauvoo's economy. It also recommended that Latter Day Saints avoid "strong" alcoholic drinks, tobacco, and "hot drinks" (later interpreted to mean tea and coffee). In modern times, Zion is still an ideal, though Mormons gather together in their individual congregations rather than a central geographic location. The church’s main Head Quarters are in Salt Lake City, Utah. LDS Church members who do not actively participate in worship services or church callings are often called "less-active" or "inactive" (akin to the qualifying expressions non-observant or non-practicing used in relation to members of other religious groups). [24] With other family members, Smith also engaged in religious folk magic, which was a relatively common practice in that time and place. harvtxt error: multiple targets (3×): CITEREFNewellAvery1994 (. [187] Smith's brother Hyrum, had he survived, would have had the strongest claim, followed by Smith's brother Samuel, who died mysteriously a month after his brothers. Mormon doctrine deviates significantly from the Bible, which teaches that Jesus is eternal and not procreated. [172] Five men were later tried for Smith's murder, but were all acquitted. [33] Smith said he attempted to remove the plates the next morning, but was unsuccessful because the angel returned and prevented him. They believe that Jesus was created and they believe that like all humans, they were spirit before being born into the flesh. [107] Around June 1838, recent convert Sampson Avard formed a covert organization called the Danites to intimidate Mormon dissenters and oppose anti-Mormon militia units. It's fairly easy to argue that Mormonism is false because we know so much about who invented it. Though Mormons have some beliefs that are considered strange in a modernized world, they continue to hold onto their beliefs because they feel God has spoken to them. [96] After a month, however, he returned to Kirtland empty-handed. Though the 1960s and 1970s brought changes such as Women's Liberation and the civil rights movement, Mormon leaders were alarmed by the erosion of traditional values, the sexual revolution, the widespread use of recreational drugs, moral relativism, and other forces they saw as damaging to the family. Smith said they contained the writings of the ancient patriarchs Abraham and Joseph. [56] In April 1829, he met Oliver Cowdery, who replaced Harris as his scribe, and resumed dictation. By the time of his death, 14 years later, he had attracted tens of thousands of followers and founded a religion that continues to the present with millions of global adherents. [178] In a 2015 compilation of the 100 Most Significant Americans of All Time, Smithsonian magazine ranked Smith first in the category of religious figures. Mormons believe that returning to God requires following the example of Jesus Christ, and accepting his atonement through repentance and ordinances such as baptism. Not quite: he invested his fortune in supporting the Mormon polygamous movement and went bankrupt. [57] Colonizing efforts were seen as religious duties, and the new villages were governed by the Mormon bishops (local lay religious leaders). [145] Though the evidence was circumstantial, Boggs ordered Smith's extradition. Although Mormons teach that Jesus is eternal, what they mean is that He existed as a spirit child prior to His incarnation. [64] After Cowdery baptized several new church members, the Mormons received threats of mob violence; before Smith could confirm the newly baptized members, he was arrested and brought to trial as a disorderly person. [141] Smith also elaborated on his plan for a millennial kingdom. [299] The practice of polygamy was kept secret from both non-Mormons and most members of the church during Smith's lifetime. Church members are encouraged to marry and have children, and Latter-day Saint families tend to be larger than average. [252] In 1835, Smith gave the "great revelation" that organized the priesthood into quorums and councils, and functioned as a complex blueprint for church structure. [234] For instance, Smith's revision nearly tripled the length of the first five chapters of Genesis in what would become the Book of Moses. [274] This religious authority encompassed economic and political as well as spiritual matters. The LDS Church seeks to distance itself from all such polygamous groups, excommunicating their members if discovered practicing or teaching it,[132] and today a majority of Mormon fundamentalists have never been members of the LDS Church.[133]. Mormonism teaches that a person must be baptized to go to Heaven. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, church that traces its origins to a religion founded by Joseph Smith in the United States in 1830. [26] Smith said that, although he had become concerned about the welfare of his soul, he was confused by the claims of competing religious denominations. [74], During the early 20th century, Mormons began to reintegrate into the American mainstream. He also told associates that he was capable of reading and translating them. [12] Fearing an invasion of Nauvoo, Smith rode to Carthage, Illinois, to stand trial, but was killed when a mob stormed the jailhouse. Mormon doctrine is quite fluid.
\nThe Mormon church has the 13 articles of faith that missionaries and members like to hand out, but it does not contain most of the doctrines that make the Mormon Church unique. Illinois accepted Mormon refugees who gathered along the banks of the Mississippi River,[126] where Smith purchased high-priced, swampy woodland in the hamlet of Commerce. [69] Cowdery was also assigned the task of locating the site of the New Jerusalem. [127] Smith also attempted to portray the Latter Day Saints as an oppressed minority, and unsuccessfully petitioned the federal government for help in obtaining reparations. [46], Although Smith had left his treasure hunting company, his former associates believed he had double crossed them and taken the golden plates for himself, which they believed should be joint property. Is it Christian? [248] Another 1832 revelation "on Priesthood" was the first to explain priesthood doctrine. [81] Smith's trip was also hastened by a mob of Ohio residents who were incensed over the United Order and Smith's political power; the mob beat Smith and Rigdon unconscious, tarred and feathered them, and left them for dead. [114], Mormons have a strict law of chastity, requiring abstention from sexual relations outside opposite-sex marriage and strict fidelity within marriage. [148], In December 1843, Smith petitioned Congress to make Nauvoo an independent territory with the right to call out federal troops in its defense. [199] [282] For example, this power would enable proxy baptisms for the dead and priesthood marriages that would be effective into the afterlife. [75] Mormons emphasized patriotism and industry, rising in socioeconomic status from the bottom among American religious denominations to middle-class. [59] Dictation was completed about July 1, 1829.[60]. [147] While this ended the Missourians' attempts at extradition, it caused significant political fallout in Illinois. [258], Smith taught that all existence was material, including a world of "spirit matter" so fine that it was invisible to all but the purest mortal eyes. [184] Biographers, Mormon and non-Mormon alike, agree that Smith was one of the most influential, charismatic, and innovative figures in American religious history.[185]. In the first period, Smith attempted to build a city called Zion, in which converts could gather. (Read more.) [69] In 1858, Young agreed to step down from his position as governor and was replaced by a non-Mormon, Alfred Cumming. [157], On June 7, the dissidents published the first (and only) issue of the Nauvoo Expositor, calling for reform within the church and appealing to the political views of the county's other faiths as well as those of former Mormons. harvnb error: no target: CITEREFQuinn1980 (, harvtxt error: no target: CITEREFO'Dea1857 (, Brigham Young later said of Hyrum, "Did Joseph Smith ordain any man to take his place. [246], Smith gave varying types of revelations. [88], After the Camp returned, Smith drew heavily from its participants to establish five governing bodies in the church, all originally of equal authority to check one another. [254], Before 1832, most of Smith's revelations dealt with establishing the church, gathering his followers, and building the City of Zion. ", "More Members Now outside U.S. Than in U.S", "2012 Statistical Report for 2013 April General Conference", "New almanac offers look at the world of Mormon membership", "The Global Distribution of Adventists and Mormons in 2007", "Reinventing Mormonism: Guatemala as Harbinger of the Future? Find out about its teachings of men becoming gods, temples, the Book of Mormon, and Joseph Smith who claimed to have seen God the Father. [281], Smith taught that the High Priesthood's endowment of heavenly power included the sealing powers of Elijah, allowing High Priests to effect binding consequences in the afterlife. "[229] Smith had assumed a role as prophet, seer, and apostle of Jesus Christ, and by early 1831, he was introducing himself as "Joseph the Prophet". [63] Over the next 50 years, many Mormons (between 20 and 30 percent of Mormon families)[64] entered into plural marriages as a religious duty, with the number of plural marriages reaching a peak around 1860, and then declining through the rest of the century. [294] Cowdery suspected Smith had engaged in a relationship with his serving girl, Fanny Alger. [74] Smith brought the Kirtland congregation under his own authority and tamed these outbursts. Mormons self-identify as Christian,[9] but some non-Mormons consider Mormons to be non-Christian[10] because some of their beliefs differ from those of Nicene Christianity. Forty-eight wives later, Joseph Smith'… Smith said he experienced a series of visions, including one in 1820 during which he saw "two personages" (whom he eventually described as God the Father and Jesus Christ), and another in 1823 in which an angel directed him to a buried book of golden plates inscribed with a Judeo-Christian history of an ancient American civilization. [271] He taught that the Church of Christ restored through him was a latter-day restoration of the early Christian faith, which had been lost in the Great Apostasy. His idea, initially dismissed by sceptical private investors, was picked up by the US Navy who ordered 100 pairs and made him a rich man. [78] In addition to weekly worship services, Mormons began participating in numerous programs such as Boy Scouting, a Young Women organization, church-sponsored dances, ward basketball, camping trips, plays, and religious education programs for youth and college students. In 1929, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir began broadcasting a weekly performance on national radio, becoming an asset for public relations. [211] The revelation was written as if God were talking rather than as a declaration mediated through Smith; and subsequent revelations assumed a similar authoritative style, often opening with words such as "Hearken O ye people which profess my name, saith the Lord your God. [17][18] The term preferred by the Salt Lake-based LDS church has varied in the past, and at various points it has embraced the term Mormon and also stated that other sects within the shared faith tradition should not be called Mormon. [289], Smith taught that the highest level of exaltation could be achieved through "plural marriage" (polygamy), which was the ultimate manifestation of this New and Everlasting Covenant. Mormons believe in Jesus but what exactly do they believe about Him and His origins? [118] Smith was immediately brought before a military court, accused of treason, and sentenced to be executed the next morning; Alexander Doniphan, who was Smith's former attorney and a brigadier general in the Missouri militia, refused to carry out the order. For women, Smith introduced the Relief Society, a service club and sorority within which Smith predicted women would receive "the keys of the kingdom". [51] Anthon denied Harris's account of the meeting, claiming instead that he had tried to convince Harris that he was the victim of a fraud. [35], Meanwhile, the Smith family faced financial hardship, due in part to the death of Smith's oldest brother Alvin, who had assumed a leadership role in the family. [72] In September 1890, church president Wilford Woodruff issued a Manifesto that officially suspended the practice of polygamy. As of 2013[update], members of the denominations originating from Smith's teachings number approximately 16.3 million.
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