Nearby Words . just, fair, equitable, good, upright, righteous, virtuous, proper, moral, morally justified, ethical, honourable, honest, principled bad calls. Wrong Synonyms | Collins English Thesaurus. dumb decisions. Synonyme (Andere Wörter) for Wrong choice & Antonyme (Entgegengesetzte Bedeutung) für Wrong choice. decide, decisive, deciding, decided, decisiveness, decisively, decider. refute, show to be wrong, rebut, confute, give the lie to, demolish, discredit. Decision Antonyms. dumb choices. bad decisions. : They are no longer in town, but hey left their car in front of the house just to put everybody off the scent. You can complete the list of synonyms of wrong decision given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... English-Synonyms dictionary : translate English words into Synonyms with online dictionaries. poor decision. For me, an ignorant person is someone who makes the wrong decision or a bad choice because he or she does not have the proper facts. Need synonyms for poor decision? Noun. A place where one road crosses another. : The shit hit the fan when his wife found out that he had cheated on her. Ethical behavior is determined by societal or cultural norms. wrong thing. refusal. If this sounds too mystical, refer again to the body. Antonyms for regret. Ein anderer Weg zu sagen Wrong Choice? Wrong synonyms, Mr. Wrong pronunciation, Mr. Wrong translation, English dictionary definition of Mr. Wrong. A conclusion or resolution reached after consideration. [Fam.] beginning. it's said when someone has done things in the, a set of ideas, rules, or beliefs from which something is developed, or on which decisions are based. Discrimination of a reactant towards a choice of other reactants. amiss: adjective incorrect: adjective inappropriate: adjective bad: adjective defective: adjective opposite: adjective incorrectly: adverb amiss: adverb wickedness: noun offence: noun mistreat: verb Video pronunciation. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for WRONG We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word wrong will help you to finish your crossword today. Synonyms for decision. bad judgement. Sinónimos de Make The Wrong Decision (otras palabras y frases para Make The Wrong Decision). indecision. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. What are synonyms for regret? Search wrong decision and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. other words for prove wrong. Synonym of Wrong decision: English-German Online Dictionary wrong decision Fehlentscheidung ability to make decisions and take action without waiting for someone to tell you what to do. Decision making can take a … bad judgment call. Ex. 50 synonyms for regret: be or feel sorry about, feel remorse about, be upset about, rue, deplore, bemoan, repent (of), weep over, bewail, cry over spilt milk. Students can no longer rely on their parents or teachers to make decisions for them, and they may be forced to make their own ethical decisions … wrong - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. Synonyms: resolution , conclusion , ruling , determination , declaration , pronouncement , opinion , diagnosis , judgment , judgement (UK) , sentence , verdict , outcome , choice , selection , pick For me, an ignorant person is someone who makes the wrong decision or a bad choice because he or she does not have the proper facts. Synonyms for decision in Free Thesaurus. contradict. determined to right society's wrongs. 3. not morally right. to consider something to be better than it really is, to make a wrong judgment about a person or situation, to make a mistake by guessing an amount, number etc that is too high, formal to make a mistake, especially in a judgment or decision, to make a decision about something too quickly without knowing all the facts, to make bad decisions about a policy that involves money, to believe something, usually wrongly, about someone or something, to make a wrong judgment about what will happen or what to do in a situation, to promise the same seat, table, or room to two different people at the same time, to use something, for example a law, theory, or money, in a way that is wrong or illegal. Suggest synonym. 3 adj If something such as a decision, choice, or action is thewrong one, it is not the best or most suitable one. There is no right or wrong, only a series of possibilities that shift with each thought, feeling, and action that you experience. Some common synonyms of wrong are grievance, injury, and injustice. The condition from which no further changes occur. Join Macmillan Dictionary on Twitter and Facebook for daily word facts, quizzes and language news. I showed my initiative when I became a group leader in class. Synonyms … 1. ADJ n (Antonym: right) I really made the wrong decision there..., The wrong choice of club might limit your chances of success..., We got married when I was 30 for all the wrong reasons. Iniciar sesión. dismay. Daryl Davis. disagreement. incorrect decision. dumb choice. break. If you give that person the facts and the proper information you have alleviated that ignorance, and they make the right decision. source. An ethical dilemma is when a person has to choose between two options, both morally correct but are in conflict. Not in conformity with fact or truth; incorrect or erroneous: a wrong answer. demolish. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. For this reason, decision making is an important skill that employers sometimes seek in candidates. ADJ n (Antonym: right) I really made the wrong decision there..., The wrong choice of club might limit your chances of success..., We got married when I was 30 for all the wrong reasons. defeat. Daryl Davis. If you give that person the facts and the proper information you have alleviated that ignorance, and they make the right decision. error in judgment. Free thesaurus definition of to make a wrong judgment or decision from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education. SYNONYMS. confound. Once you make any decision, it works around that decision. 43 synonyms for decision: judgment, finding, ruling, order, result, sentence, settlement, resolution, … adj. The educational framework of ISB is much different from the framework (curriculum) where I used to go to school. Synonyms for regret in Free Thesaurus. If you know synonyms for Decision, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words. Synonyme für Wrong Choice (andere Wörter und Sätze für Wrong Choice). Decision making requires leadership, analysis, information gathering and objectivity, to name a few traits. A judgment or verdict arrived at after consideration. All Free. Why put decision-making synonyms on a resume? n. Slang The man who would make an ideal mate: "self-help guides for women in search of Mr. An act or judgment that is misguided or … Antonyms for decision. controvert. 2 erroneous, fallacious, false, faulty, incorrect, in error, misguided, mistaken, off target, unsound, wrong. I'm afraid I'll make the wrong decision → J'ai peur de prendre la mauvaise décision. All rights reserved. costly mistake. wrong decision : German - English translations and synonyms (BEOLINGUS Online dictionary, TU Chemnitz) careless decisions. to make a wrong judgment or decision - synonyms and related words | Macmillan Dictionary. Ethics and morals are inseparable because they refer to right and wrong. MOST RELEVANT. Moral behavior is … gone wrong synonyms, gone wrong pronunciation, gone wrong translation, English dictionary definition of gone wrong. Related terms for 'wrong': against a backcloth of something, all’s well that ends well, as it is/as it turns out, be better/worse off Adverbs frequently used with wrong. wrong decisions. I do like it though. 2 letter words UP 3 letter words BAD - BUM - HEX - ILL - LOW - OFF - OUT - SIN - WOE 4 letter words Define gone wrong. antonyms of decision. You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos. Firmness of conviction. informal shoot full of holes, shoot down, shoot down in flames, blow sky-high. Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Decision Thesaurus. E.g. morally wrong: They believe that making money out of prisons is morally wrong. decidedness, decisiveness, determination, determinedness, firmness, granite, purposefulness, resoluteness, MOST RELEVANT. careless decision. colossal mistake. erroneous, fallacious, false, faulty, inaccurate, incorrect, in error, mistaken, off base, off target, out, unsound, untrue, way off beam, bad, blameworthy, criminal, crooked, dishonest, dishonourable, evil, felonious, illegal, illicit, immoral, iniquitous, not cricket, reprehensible, sinful, under-the-table, unethical, unfair, unjust, unlawful, wicked, wrongful, funny, improper, inappropriate, inapt, incongruous, incorrect, indecorous, infelicitous, malapropos, not done, unacceptable, unbecoming, unconventional, undesirable, unfitting, unhappy, unseemly, unsuitable, amiss, askew, awry, defective, faulty, not working, out of commission, out of order, amiss, askew, astray, awry, badly, erroneously, inaccurately, incorrectly, mistakenly, wrongly, come to nothing, fail, fall through, flop, err, fall from grace, go astray, go off the straight and narrow, abuse, bad or evil deed, crime, error, grievance, immorality, inequity, infraction, infringement, iniquity, injury, injustice, misdeed, offence, sin, sinfulness, transgression, trespass, unfairness, wickedness, at fault, blameworthy, guilty, in error, mistaken, off beam, abuse, cheat, discredit, dishonour, dump on, harm, hurt, ill-treat, ill-use, impose upon, injure, malign, maltreat, misrepresent, mistreat, oppress, shit on, ethical, fair, fitting, godly, honest, honourable, just, lawful, legal, moral, righteous, rightful, square, true, upright, virtuous, appropriate, apt, becoming, commendable, correct, fitting, laudable, praiseworthy, proper, seemly, sensible, suitable, accurately, correctly, exactly, precisely, properly, squarely, truly, decency, fairness, favour, good, good deed, goodness, good turn, high-mindedness, honesty, lawfulness, legality, morality, propriety, virtue, aid, do a favour, help, support, treat well, bull-headed, contrary, cross-grained, dogged, froward, inflexible, intransigent, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, perverse, pig-headed, refractory, self-willed, stubborn, wilful, erroneous, fallacious, false, faulty, incorrect, in error, misguided, mistaken, off target, unsound, wrong, English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus, familiar and evocative expression used to describe a chaotic situation in which things turn. While all these words mean "an act that inflicts undeserved hurt," wrong applies also in law to any act punishable according to the criminal code; it may apply more generally to any flagrant injustice. wrong that: The court decided it was wrong that such actions should go unpunished. completely, entirely, hopelessly, plainly, quite, totally, wholly. poor-judgement | definition: the act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event | synonyms: justice, act, value judgment, adjudication, deed, disapproval, human action, estimate, evaluation, assessment, estimation, rating, judgment, logistic assessment, human activity, value judgement| antonyms: approval, negative, powerless, conviction, acquittal cause. The transition to college is a major milestone that, for many students, marks the change from childhood to adulthood. Definitions of Decision. To make a mistake, or to do something badly. Sinónimos de Make the wrong decision. poor judgment. 3 adj If something such as a decision, choice, or action is thewrong one, it is not the best or most suitable one. dumb decision. biggest mistake. wrong | definition: not correct; not in conformity with fact or truth | synonyms: incorrect, erroneous, false, correctness, rightness, improper, fallacious, mistaken, inaccurate| antonyms: incorrectness, true, right, wrongness, correct, proper, accurate 1 bull-headed, contrary, cross-grained, dogged, froward (archaic) inflexible, intransigent, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, perverse, pig-headed, refractory, self-willed, stubborn, wilful. dissension.
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