「ケンブリッジmba」の愛称で呼ばれるmbaプログラムは1年制である。 毎年世界中の様々な地域、産業から多様性の溢れる約150名を選抜しており、2015年では在学生の91パーセントが英国外からの留学生であり、約38パーセントが女性であった。 As part of the application process you will automatically be considered for a financial award of up to 30% of the tuition fees, however if you wish to be considered for a 50% scholarship you must complete the additional essay question included in the application form. GMAT As soon as you submit a fully completed application it will be processed so there is no need to wait until the next deadline. Find out whether you fit into this category. London EC1Y 8TZ Applications for the September 2021 Full-time MBA Programme are open. 推薦状2通, 【活動報告】「Behavioral EconomicsⅠ(行動経済学)」模擬MBA講義開催. Your one or two page CV is uploaded as part of the online application form. Personal Statement Incoming students who are not UK nationals might require a Student visa to study in the UK. There will be a longer period of time to make arrangements for the upcoming year, including addressing any work commitments, preparing for international travel and the visa process. We require a minimum, well balanced overall score in Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic of 68, with a minimum of 60 in writing and no less than 59 in any other section. In order to apply for a Student visa, you must obtain a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS), which will be issued by City, University of London. 【海外進学】ディーキン大学の特徴と進学方法を紹介(Deakin University), 【MBA】ダラム大学MBAの特徴と難易度 (Durham University Business School), 【MBA】シンガポール経営大学SMUの特徴と難易度 (Singapore Management University). Please note that we accept IELTS Academic tests taken at test centres that are not included on UKVI's SELT list. Due to the competitive nature of securing a place on the MBA programme a waitlist is operated throughout the year. Cass MBA Achieving Your Potential Week 2018 - with IDG at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst by Cass Business School (Official Page) 2:47. 平均年齢 : 30歳 Once your application is complete and meets our entry requirements, it will be reviewed by the admissions panel and if successful you will be invited for an interview with a member of faculty. We're not around right now. Round Deadline Date Status, Round 1 27th September 2020 CLOSED, Round 2 8th November 2020 CLOSED, Round 3 10th January 2021 Open, Round 8 ** Rolling applications, * If you require a Tier 4 visa then we strongly recommend you submit your application to us by Round 6 at the latest.
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