はい、私はでますよ。, 「I can do it.」の前に、「yes」や「yeah」と言うネイティブが多くいます。 And that’s where the Republican party comes up short; they simply can’t translate their ideological goals and rhetoric into anything that would be workable in practice, anything that could be put on paper in the form of a statute or administrative regulation. Voters decided: Joe Biden will be the next President of the United States! Don’t worry. One of the main reasons for that is that since the HEART Act, the Republicans have never been the least bit interested in accomplishing (let alone in crafting policy directed at accomplishing) any of the three policy goals enumerated above. The same, I think, applies to the health care issue; even if one finds their ideological slogans appealing (e.g., “market-based solutions,” “patient-centered health care,” &c.), the policy that could put their rhetoric into practice is downright appalling.

I had a conversation recently with a Republican-leaning friend whose spouse was in the hospital at the time (this was just before COVID); this person was deeply concerned that expanding access to health care would diminish the quality of care that their family could get. I made a couple of attempts in 2012 to translate the GOP’s ideology on health care, viz., both stated (“free-market” health care, a luxury) and implied (keep the relevant industries profitable) policy goals, into actual legislative and administrative policy, and the results were … well, you decide: - Repeal both the [ACA] and EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act of 1986), alleviating the requirement that ERs and EMS treat all patients regardless of insurance, payment and/or citizenship.

英語の教師と作家。父はイギリス人、母はアメリカ人。イギリス生まれ、13歳でアメリカへ。卒業後はワシントンDCで記者。現在東京に在住。著書に『この英語、どう違う?』(KADOKAWA)、『とりあえずは英語でなんと言う?』 (大和書房)、など。NHK基礎英語1と婦人公論の連載。, 「I Can’t Get No Satisfaction」の意味、なぜストーンズ はこんな変な英語の文法を使ったのでしょうか, 「how can I say」の意味、また「how do I say」と「how can I say」の違い. - Limit the liability of 911 operators, EMTs, hospital staff, &c. for negative medical outcomes caused by delays and errors in ascertaining insurance/payment prior to treatment. - Eliminate all liability for medical malpractice in cases involving uninsured patients and/or unpaid-for medical services.

はい、俺に任せて下さい。心配いりません。, この場合、「I can do it」の変わりに「I can handle it.」や「Leave it to me.」とも言えます。, 英文では、コンマの有無は生死の分かれ目になります。「お婆さんを食べましょう。」か 「お婆ちゃん、ご飯の時間だよ。」.

Addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, economic well-being, and health care were top priorities during the November election.... Sign the petition to U.S. governors and state election officials: You must continue to count EVERY vote.

」になると、「 こんな本、大嫌い! 」くらいの意味合いになってしまうんです。 これ理由は、文章内のアクセントの場所が変わるから。 I don’t like this book. Don't you~?から始まる質問への答え方は、日本人にとって難しいですよね。 ご存知の方も多いかと思いますが、「Don't (do not) you~?」で聞かれる質問文、すなわち、否定文の疑問文質問への答え方って、日本語と英語って逆になってしまうんです。


So far, I haven’t heard or read a better explication of what Republican policy on health care would actually look like if we took them at their word over the past decade as to what their ideological and policy goals for health care are.

To put it as simply as one can, the former is what you want to accomplish, the latter is how you go about accomplishing it through legislation and administrative processes (rulemaking and enforcement), i.e., the things that government actually does. When Republicans blindly railed and wailed against the Democratic health-care reform effort in 1993, they at least came up with a legislative alternative: the HEART Act, or Health Equity and Access Reform Today Act of 1993. Still, reserving the system for those who can afford the luxury thereof serves the primary goal of maintaining the profitability of the relevant industries, by inter alia suppressing demand and reducing write-offs for uncompensated care. というものがある。 「私にはそれは、わかりません」という意味で、 メッセージとしては 「もう一度言ってくれませんか」 のような感じで相手に伝わる。

.ファイル16: 151 I don't know about you, but ~ (あなたの場合はどうだか知らないが,) you 以外の名詞・代名詞を使うのも可。 文脈によっては文字通り「~について知らない」の意味にあることもあります。 例1:I don't know about you, but I am paticular about ramen. Of course, neither the HEART Act nor the Clinton proposal made it through Congress, and we had to wait another 16 years for a unified Democratic government to take another crack at crafting actual policy that would at least attempt to accomplish three important policy goals: We’re all familiar with the relentless campaign of cynicism and bad faith that the Republican party and its fans/enablers deployed against the ACA both before and after its passage and implementation, and we all know that as with every other Democratic policy that Republicans and their fans/enablers have blindly railed and wailed against since 1993 none of their dire predictions came true.
また、「私に任せなさい」という意味でネイティブは「I can do it.」を使うネイティブもいます。, Can anyone here get that cat out of a tree? They don’t know how to lead...only oppose. Daily Kos moves in solidarity with the Black community.

In other words, Republicans think of health care as a luxury, something that should be reserved for those (like themselves) who can afford it, not “given” to those who can’t. As most of us know, a good portion of the ACA, or Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (and its companion Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act) of 2010, colloquially known as “Obamacare,” drew many of its key provisions — including the individual mandate — from the HEART Act.

「I can do it.」の前に、「yes」や「yeah」と言うネイティブが多くいます。 また、「私に任せなさい」という意味でネイティブは「I can do it.」を使うネイティブもいます。 Can anyone here get that cat out of a tree? follow!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? Sign the petition: TRUMP MUST IMMEDIATELY CONCEDE and Congress must ensure he steps down.

「Don’t (do not) you~?」で聞かれる質問文、すなわち、否定文の疑問文質問への答え方って、日本語と英語って逆になってしまうんです。, この「Don’t you~?」で聞かれる質問への答え方が英語を勉強する日本人にとって、厄介なものの1つなのですよね。, けれど、何度か英語での答え方を意識しているうちに自然と正しい答え方が身につくようなりますよ。, それでは、Don’t you~?から始まる質問への答え方について分かり易くするために例文を使って説明します。, 日本語では、質問者が言っている質問の事実、ここでは、「犬が嫌い」ということに対して, 「No, I don’t」 つまり、 「No, I don’t like dogs」, 英語では、相手の問いかけに対して答える日本語とは異なり、答えが肯定だったらYesを使い、答えが否定だったらNoを使います。, つまり、「犬が好き」= 「I like dogs」は肯定の文だから「Yes」を頭に置くというわけです。, 英語では絶対に、「Yes, I don’t like dogs」 や 「No, I like dogs」 となることはありません。, 今まで「はい、犬が嫌いです」と答えていた日本人からしたらいきなり英語での問いかけに英語のルールに従って答えることも難しいでしょう。, ここでポイントなのが、 誤解を招かないためにも、「Yes」や「No」だけでで答えるのではなく、必ず、その後にも文章を付け足すようにしましょう。, そうすることで、たとえ「Yes」「No」の答え方を間違ったとしても何をいいたいのか、思っていることは伝わるでしょう。.

The absent GOP health care plan...they’ve had 12 YEARS to construct their own.

Don’t worry.

Where is it?#TrumpTownHall.

The GOP never had any principled, policy-based objections to the ACA, never mind that it was loaded with their own ideas; Republicans’ stated objections were purely ideological in nature, where not entirely cynical and dishonest, and of course, they never came up — and, importantly, were never challenged to come up — with a better (i.e., cheaper and/or more effective) policy. They have no interest whatsoever in insuring the uninsured or protecting consumers, and have never even expressed any interest therein; to the extent they might be interested in bringing costs down, that’s only for people who can already afford health insurance.

bring medical and insurance costs down by.
Laying all that aside for the moment, regardless of what one’s policy goals are there’s a difference between policy goals and policy. I don't get it. I do not like this book. - Eliminate all federal funding assistance for 911, EMT and Medevac services.

), against their will, against medical advice, regardless of the risk, under penalty of law, until the pregnancy ends naturally; and (2) that, (including, but not limited to, police, prosecutors, courts and prisons) [must] be devoted and deployed to enforce the foregoing requirement and to investigate, as a criminal matter, every pregnancy that does not end in a live birth, Ways to get involved in the 2020 Election. What do you mean?という力強い表現と似ていて、 もう少しニュートラルで控えめな言い方に. protect consumers from the more egregious abuses perpetrated by the medial insurance industry. Biden is now the President-elect, yet Trump refuses to recognize this election as legitimate. Yes, I can do it! Their secondary goal, perhaps, is to keep those who can’t afford health care from having access to the system that those who can afford it currently enjoy. Despite a decisive demand for change, Trump... Sign and send the petition to your U.S. senators: Focus on COVID-19 relief immediately, not Trump’s judicial nominations. - Direct the states to eliminate all insurance regulations and medical-malpractice laws; reimburse insurers for any state regulatory expenses, including violation fines, and medical-malpractice judgments, incurred since the ACA was passed. 「I can do it」という積極的な英語表現はどういう意味でしょうか。通常、「I can do it.」は「私はできるよ。」という意味になります。ネイティブは難しいことに挑戦する時には、「I can do it!」と言います。例えば、英語圏の授業では、以下のような会話をよく耳にします。, So, can anyone solve this problem? This content was created by a Daily Kos Community member. 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+'://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs'); How exactly to Ask an Asian Girl out in accordance with A asian woman Herself, No deposit bonus code for bovada on line casino harga mobil chevrolet spin 2017 makassar, Hot love talk. Because Republicans don’t do ”policy.” This content was created by a Daily Kos Community member. - Make it illegal for any 911 operator or hospital personnel to dispatch or administer any medical treatment or services of any kind, including emergency, to any person they have reason to believe is uninsured and cannot afford to pay in full. Get Chatting to Likeminded Singles Today, Wedding Dress Traditions of Russian Br Post writer.

Yeah, I can do it. There’s really no need to recap all of that here.

©Copyright2020 英語 with Luke.All Rights Reserved. Nor do they care to know how to do it, or really need to know how to do it. - Reimburse insurers for any ACA-related expenditures they've incurred to date, including medical-loss ratio refunds and medical expenditures in excess of pre-ACA lifetime caps.

Steve Benen has a whole book out about how Republicans became a “post-policy” party, and I just recently wrote a diary discussing why Republicans don’t do ‘policy’ in the context of abortion, one of their ubiquitous pet ideological issues wherein even if one finds the ideology appealing (“sanctity of life” and what-not), the actual policy that could conceivably put that ideology into practice... (1) that all pregnant women and girls must remain pregnant against their will, against medical advice, regardless of the risk, under penalty of law, until the pregnancy ends naturally; and (2) that public resources (including, but not limited to, police, prosecutors, courts and prisons) [must] be devoted and deployed to enforce the foregoing requirement and to investigate, as a criminal matter, every pregnancy that does not end in a live birth. Trump: Soon I'll have a health care plan that covers preexisting conditionsStephanopoulos: I interviewed you in June of last year and said your health care plan would be ready in 2 weeks.

誰か木に登った猫を救出できる人はいないの? What should have been obvious even in 2009 to anyone with a pulse and more than three functioning synapses, and has been obvious to us for most of that time, but for some reason a lot of people seem to only now be coming to understand, is that the Republican Party has no health care policy and, at least since the HEART Act, never did. - Provide civil and/or criminal penalties for calling 911 or showing up at an ER without insurance and without paying in full up front (i.e., for trying to free-ride off the system). Because Republicans are only genuinely interested in maximizing the profits of their Party’s owners and seeing to it that they are never held accountable for the harm they cause to the public, workers, consumers and the environment, the Party has long since given up on legislating and [small-a] administration, which they don’t need to do in order to keep their donors happy. Don't do that again.とは。意味や和訳。二度とそんなことをするな - 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。 The Republican policy goal when it comes to health care is singular, simple, and straightforward: Keep the insurance, hospital, biotech, and pharmaceutical industries profitable.

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