Have you ever wanted to take your mouse sensitivity from one game and bring it to another?
Frequently Asked QuestionsI've written up a guide of frequently asked questions & answers - so if you are having any technical difficulties or want to know how to convert your zoom sens from a game to the aim trainer, please check it out! Once you are hitting over your target accuracy regularly, pause the game, raise timescale by 0.05 or some small amount, and press F3 to reset the statistics. You can tell the bots how to dodge, aim, and customize your crosshair. The goal of KovaaK’s FPS Aim Trainer is to enable players to create their own training with realistic dodging targets. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Once Kovaak’s FPS Aim Trainer is done downloading, right click the .zip file and click on “Extract to KovaaKs.FPS.Aim.Trainer.zip” (To do this you must have WinRAR, which you can get here). Community The community Discord server is fairly active with people providing input on hardware, sensitivity settings, aim styles, and all sorts of customization (custom crosshairs, sounds, map creation, scenario creation, etc). If it's a flicking scenario you are trying to improve upon, I have heard of people focusing on raw speed first (flick+click over and over without worrying too much about hitting things) and getting used to what it feels like to go at your maximum speed and clicks/sec. Something I would like to add for tracking practice is the following: This gets you out of the habit of making constant rapid flicks to your target and results in smoother tracking aim. KovaaK's FPS Aim Trainer. Click the Download button below and you should be redirected to UploadHaven. Stat TrackingA member of the community, flexxis, created a Progress Tracker Dashboard that can read the game's exported statistics and show you graphs of your progress. 1 = full speed, 0.5 = half speed, etc. Tools to help other people with color vision deficiencies overcome visibility problems in games. The Flicking trainer has more than 40 sub-levels, with support for Overwatch and Fortnite. The important part here is to not slow down as you approach your target. Practice against the bots having the smoothest hand movements you can manage, and when the target changes directions get used to rapidly getting back on target and smoothly continuing to track without a hiccup of stopping. My personal opinion is that if you focus on tracking scenarios with the first set of advice, you'll see more improvement in real games. Weekly competitions are run with the announcements posted in the Discord server as well as the subreddit. Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 470 GTX or AMD Radeon 6870 HD series card or higher Double click inside the Kovaak’s FPS Aim Trainer folder and run the exe application. A notation and explanation of the different ways games can measure FOV. Double click inside the Kovaak’s FPS Aim Trainer folder and run the exe application.
As a starting example for Ascended Tracking v3, try and hit 60% (or 65%, or 70%...).
Then when you are paused, the "Session Manager" appears at the right. After entering scores on the Kovaaks scenarios, into our provided template, graphs are populated. If so, I made a tool to help do exactly that (and more). christmasiscancelled made three excellent and concise videos that explain how to improve at the three major types of aim: Play a tracking aim scenario in Free Play instead of Challenge mode. Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system Every mechanic within the game is driven by user-defined profiles – Weapons, characters, abilities, bots, how bots dodge, how bots aim, challenges, and more are all configurable by hundreds of variables. Interception-based mouse accel driver for use across your whole OS and in any game. For more information, see the reddit post on this tool. Improvement guides, tips, and resourcesVarious members of the community have written guides on how best to use the game to improve your aim, such as: There is great advice throughout all of the above guides. The objective testing here uses Kovaaks Aim Trainer with 5 carefully selected benchmarks covering types of aim most commonly found in todays FPS games. Wait 5 seconds and click on the blue ‘download now’ button. FPS Sensitivity Matcher Have you ever wanted to take your mouse sensitivity from one game and bring it to another?
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