With Euro IV homologation, it's not only considerately green, but leaves the competition green with envy too. A little tube in the back of the cylinder is connected with an intake pressure sensor, which supplies pressure data to the control unit. This engine design allows the implementation of a lateral balancer shaft in order to keep the vibrations to a minimum. You couldn't brake any harder or with better feel on an offroad motorcycle. The ¼‐turn bayonet filler cap makes for quick and easy closure. The KTM 250 EXC TPI is fitted with a robust 6-speed transmission made by PANKL Racing Systems. もちろん4サイクルは4サイクルの良さがあるのでお好みによりけりだと思いますが、今まではビギナーの方が初のレーサーを買われる時は4ストか150xc-wあたりをオススメしてきましたが、これだけマップセレクターでマイルドにできるなら250exc tpiはビギナーの方にもオススメできます! Plus, the engine covers feature a smart surface structure which reduces wear caused by the rider's boots, keeping them looking as fresh as the day you bought your EXC. Above all, the delta distributor, integrated into the frame triangle, features a large center tube, making the coolant flow from the cylinder head to the radiators highly efficient. The aluminum spoke nipples feature an innovative design, which conveniently reduces the frequency with which the spokes need to be tightened. Say goodbye to numb feet and hands. All KTM EXC models are equipped with the same high-strength aluminum tapered handlebar, made by NEKEN. Copyright 2020 KTM Sportmotorcycle GmbH, all rights reserved. A diaphragm spring also leaves sufficient space for a damping system to be integrated into the clutch hub. For the EFI application the cylinder features two lateral domes which hold the fuel injectors that supply fuel to the rear transfer ports.
The airflow is regulated by a butterfly connected with a twin-cable throttle cam, which is operated by the handlebar throttle assembly.
The illustrated vehicles may vary in selected details from the production models and some illustrations feature optional equipment available at additional cost. The wiring harness has most of the electrical components carefully positioned into a common area below the seat, making them more easily accessible and reliable. 秀逸なデザインと超馬力を兼ね備えた昨今注目されている素晴らしいバイクです。マニアなら喉から手が出るほど欲しいとされるこのktmの250excですが、どのような性能を備えているのか、今回は詳しく見ていこうと思います。
The pegs on the Enduro models are 6mm higher than the ones used on SX models, which benefits ground clearance. The new generation KTM 250 EXC TPI is the ultimate combination of power and rideability and sets a clear benchmark for intuitive handling, unique style and top performance. Light operation and a 'telepathic' level of control come standard with this hydraulic Brembo actuated clutch. Besides the renowned benefits of excellent fuel efficiency, clean exhaust emissions and the removed need for jetting, the KTM 250 EXC TPI features a dynamic, lightweight frame. As found on previous models, filter maintenance is quick and easy and does not require tools - a standard, original feature from KTM.
Thanks to altitude and temperature compensation the rider does not need to worry about fiddling around with the jetting anymore. The KTM 250 EXC TPI cylinder has a bore of 66,4 mm and is fitted with a sophisticated power valve, which provides really smooth and controllable power characteristics. The 250 cc and 300 cc models feature HD exhaust pipes (heavy-duty) made by using an innovative 3D stamping process which produces a ribbed surface finish. The KTM 250 EXC TPI features radiators which are mounted close to the center of gravity and match the design of the shrouds perfectly, in order to achieve perfect ergonomics. By using CFD technology (computational fluid dynamics) together with a clever coolant circuit routing, the innovative system ensures the optimum engine temperature for the highest performance, no matter what the conditions. ktmのエンデューロモデルは2020年機種でチェンジ。そのなかでも目玉なのが、2ストロークの150がキャブから燃料噴射になり生まれ変わったこと。それはどんなバイクなのか、乗った感想をわかりやすく … タイヤも公道走行用タイヤ、サスはサグ出しもしてません!(お客様のはしっかり整備させていただきます。(笑)), 250EXC TPIが勝たせてくれました。本当にKTMの実戦でのポテンシャルの高さを再確認させられました。. The settings on the XPLOR PDS shock provide impressive damping characteristics and match the frame and front-end set-up perfectly. The WP XPLOR shock absorber is the key element on the proven PDS rear suspension design (progressive damping system), where the shock is directly linked to the swingarm without an additional linkage system. It is powered by a super lightweight 2 Ah lithium-ion starter battery which provides safe, reliable starting. All information concerning the scope of supply, appearance, services, dimensions and weights is non-binding and specified with the proviso that errors, for instance in printing, setting and/or typing, may occur; such information is subject to change without notice. 250exc tpiが勝たせてくれました。 本当にKTMの実戦でのポテンシャルの高さを再確認させられました。 フルモデルチェンジな2020年モデルのEXCシリーズ、フレームの剛性アップなど小さいことから大きいことまでアップデートポイントは上げきれませんが、毎年更に良くなってくるKTM. Compression damping is on the left and the rebound on the right. The engine management system (EMS) of the TPI models features a control unit located below the seat. To accommodate the power requirements of the engine management system, the TPI models are fitted with a powerful 196 W alternator and a voltage regulator. The 250cc 2-stroke engine has plenty power and torque, but remains light enough for riders to muscle their way through the toughest obstacles.
This makes the pipe much stronger, with better resistance against rocks, while also helping to reduce noise drastically. KTM uses lightweight, CNC-machined hubs and high-end GIANT rims on all Enduro models, guaranteeing maximum stability and minimum weight. Despite the obvious performance enhancements, the design also offers maximum protection against soiling of the air filter. Thus, the loss of unburnt fuel is minimal for less emissions, a more efficient combustion and reduced fuel consumption. © 2020 CRETE Co.,Ltd. These high-tech Brembo babies are combined with lightweight Wave brake discs. ** Manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP), the actual sale prices can vary. All KTM EXC models feature a high-tech, lightweight chromoly steel frame. The subframe is made of extra-light and stable aluminum profiles, weighing less than 900 gr, providing great rear fender stability. Should the rider decide to mount a radiator fan from the KTM PowerParts program, it will be controlled directly by the EMS without needing to add an additional thermal switch. Using engine speed and throttle position sensor data, the engine management's precise electronic control of the oil pump ensures that the ideal amount of oil for any given conditions is used. Additionally, the fuel line features a 90° connector to the tank for better protection against damage. The cylinders feature a state-of-the-art power valve unit with a sophisticated mechanism for the lateral support exhaust ports. The same as can be found on the EXC-F 4-stroke models. Both can easily be adjusted via the dials on top of both fork tubes with 30 clicks each. The large Twin-Air air filter is mounted on a cleverly designed stiff cage that minimizes incorrect installation. Mounted below the oil tank, the oil pump delivers the lubricant directly to the throttle body, where it is mixed with the incoming air to lubricate the piston and crankshaft. The TPI engine is fitted with a 39 mm throttle body made by Dell`Orto. Fitted with forged triple clamps with an offset of 22mm, ensuring a solid grip of the fork and precise handling. The idle system allows the idle speed to be set more precisely via the bypass screw. With its race-proven geometries and optimal stiffness, the frame provides great feedback for the rider, playful handling and remarkable stability. The settings keep the front end higher in the stroke, providing impressive reserves against bottoming out. The filler cap assembly for the oil tank is located between the fuel tank and steering head, utilizing a hose in the upper frame tube to transfer the oil to the storage container. Oil supplied by the electronically controlled oil pump via an oil intake tube is mixed with the incoming air to lubricate the moving engine parts. The design allows for optimal shaft arrangements close to the center of gravity, resulting in ideal mass centralization and easier ride-ability. The 2-stroke range is fitted with an oil tank featuring flexible mountings, which greatly improve durability and reliability. For the EFI application the cylinder features two lateral domes which hold the fuel injectors that supply fuel to the rear transfer ports. Also, the cold start system provides a better supply of extra air when opening a bypass. The radiators also feature special protectors that don't only serve as protection from flying rocks and debris but also as a brace that disperses energy around the radiators in the event of an impact.
The ECU defines the ignition timing while the amount of fuel to inject is based on several sensor readings such as intake air pressure, throttle position and water temperature plus a new additional ambient air pressure sensor. Please note that model specifications may vary from country to country. ktm 250 exc sixdays tpi をチョイスされ、主にプロテクター的なパーツを中心に パーツを取り付けました。 先ずは全体の仕上がりの感じです。 サスペンションは基本ノーマルで、前後共にスプリングレートを1ランク柔らかい物に 交換しました。 While each side is fitted with springs, they have separate damping functions.
Thanks to state-of-the-art engineering, innovative 2-stroke design and revolutionary TPI fuel injection technology, the powerplant is even more refined than ever before. The durable in-mold graphics convey the READY TO RACE character of the KTM EXC model line. The laterally attached engine head stays (the connection between cylinder, head and frame) are made of aluminum, reducing vibration and further contributing to precise cornering. With an average fuel-to-oil ratio of 1:80, the oil capacity of about 0.7 liters is sufficient for at least five tanks of fuel. The bikes also feature lateral frame guards with a structured surface, improving grip, while also serving as a heat protector against the muffler on the right side.
The consumption values stated refer to the roadworthy series condition of the vehicles at the time of factory delivery. The silencer features a compact shape and end cap with internal designs individually developed for each model, while it is mounted using an aluminum mounting bracket. The gears are made of a strong, forged raw material, ensuring the highest durability and reliability level. Maintaining the optimal engine temperature is crucial to ensuring consistent horsepower throughout the ride. The downstream injection guarantees excellent atomization of the fuel with the upstreaming air.
The compact engine cases are manufactured using a high pressure die-cast production process which helps with weight reduction, while retaining strength and durability. It is fully adjustable, including high and low-speed compression, so you can set the shock up to suit any track, trail and rider preferences. Last but not least the models allow the use of a more widely available type of traditional spark plug. ktmの新しい2ストエンジンを搭載した、2018年のエンデューロモデル250 exc tpiと300 exc tpiが発表され、写真が公開されています。 排ガス規制をパスする為にfi化された2ストエンジン。 新しいfiのトランスファーポートインジェクション(tpi)を搭載しています。 All engines are fitted with the proven electric starter, which is a major benefit for any offroad activity. But you can swap them at will. Another highlight of the 250 EXC TPI transmission is the no-dirt gear shifter. Although already distinguished for outstanding response and damping characteristics, the fork features a calibrated mid-valve piston for consistent damping. The single-component casting process offers low weight, perfect flex behavior and also allows for a large number of geometry solutions. Similar to the footpeg design, it prevents the build-up of dirt and ensures the next gear is always available, no matter what the conditions. The KTM 250 EXC TPI's one-piece aluminum swingarm is manufactured using a gravity die-cast production process, offering exceptional strength at the lowest possible weight.
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