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Note: changes to any source files in src/ require a simple “make”. X11 Emacs is the “original” emacs running under X11 (installed by default in recent versions of Mac OS X). EmacsをMac(主にOS X)で利用する人のための統合スレ 質問は以下明記すること。 ・Mac OS Xのバージョン ・Emacsを「いつ」「どこから」取得したか ・できません、うごきませんではなく、どのようなエラーメッセージが出るか ・他にもできるだけ詳細に 前スレ To accomplish this, go to one end of the desired text, type

@lunaryorn I seem to have auto generated a ~/.emacs.d directory but there is nothing in it than some empty directory called "auto-save-list". Apple has not included it since Catalina(? In trying to adapt the “maximize-frame” function below I inadvertently discovered that if one uses the maximize control button once the frame is maximized vertically, twice the frame is maximized both vertically and horizontally and three times results in the frame restored to its original size. Other than that is it stock standard emacs. For details, see Shift Selection. Many find it to be more Mac-like than If you’re using “M-x server-start”, then you could use following script instead above one: Above script is tested in Aquamacs, but it may work with Emacs. Ive looked online and it seems that I need to add the following code snippets to my .emacs file (which i cannot find!). text terminal gives the character C-@. M-x save-buffers and M-x isearch gets to be a pain. Next, select your new application, get its info, select the small icon and paste (cmd+v). Rictyというフォントが話題になっていたのでEmacsのフォントに設定してみた。 Mac OS X 10.6.7、Emacs 23.2.1(ただEmacsどうやって入れたんだったか今ひとつ思い出せない…)。 フォントはプログラミング用フォント Rictyからダウンロードしてきてインストール。 .emacsには ;; … change emacs ruby-mode indent to 4 spaces, Find (and kill) process locking port 3000 on Mac. In particular, it gives emacs your usual PATH environment variable, so you can run commands in emacs the same as commands in Terminal.
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