For more such awesome posts stay tuned to TecKangaroo. The first task you’ll need to do to get an IIS SMTP relay set up is to install the IIS SMTP Server. In this article, we will cover all of the steps needed to successfully set up an SMTP relay server to send an outgoing email with Office 365. Check out our new post on How to check IIS installation using CMD, © 2020 TecKangaroo • Powered by Wordpress. The variable /SpecifiedPickupDirectory string sets the file location on disk in which to store the e-mail messages for later delivery. The variable /deliveryMethod:network configures IIS to deliver e-mail messages immediately. Features View, double-click SMTP E-mail.
The variable/deliveryMethod:PickupDirectoryFromIis|SpecifiedPickupDirectory string configures IIS to store e-mails in a file location on disk for later delivery. This concludes the IIS SMTP Server configuration steps. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, and then navigate to the level you want to manage. The next step is to test it. On the Access tab of the SMTP Server properties, you should see a message stating “A TLS certificate is found with expiration date: XXXXXX”. The steps are explained with images for the easy understanding of the users. Hey Sergio Rueda, Thank you for contacting us. Internet Information Services(IIS) on Windows 10 is one of the essential features for ASP.NET developers. Technically, we will use this SMTP relay to relay email to Office 365; it can just as quickly work for any general SMTP relay mail delivery purposes. The variable network.defaultCredentials:True|False enables or disables authentication using the default network credentials. I followed all the steps but I kept getting an error. We covered setting up both a non-TLS and TLS SMTP server using a combination of the GUI and PowerShell. To send e-mail from a PHP application using the System.Net.Mail API, you must configure Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) e-mail. Copy the following text and save it as email_test.php at your server root.
If so, you’re good to go. On the Certification Path tab, you should also see a Certificate status stating that the certificate is OK as shown below. Can you able to try any one of the following. In this article, we will check out the simple steps involved in the process of Enabling Internet Information Services(IIS) on Windows 10. If you’ll be sending e-mail via TLS (Office 365), you need to import an SSL certificate in the server’s local machine personal certificate store before you configure the IIS SMTP Server. Check logs and remove patches. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, and then navigate to the level you want to manage. Open IIS Manager’s Featurs View. Go to Start –> Run and type in inetmgr6 and hit Enter. Use the User Interface. Now save this file somewhere other than the pickup directory as mail.txt. If successful, the file should quickly disappear. Click OK (1) to confirm. In the text field, write the server name (for instance “”). This means that the SMTP service has picked it up and has started processing the message. Once you’ve saved the file, copy and paste the file into the C:\inetpub\mailroot\Pickup folder.
Configuring e-mail services tells the System.Net.Mail application programming interface (API) to which SMTP server to deliver the e-mail generated by your application. To do this, follow these steps: Locate SMTP Virtual Server Properties. Run System File Checker For example, a company can provide an e-mail link for sending feedback messages or for requesting information. Click the Relay button on the Access tab, and set up the relay options for the server. What should I do? Once the console is open, right-click on [SMTP Virtual Server #1] (1), then select Properties (2). (Alternately, open Control Panel, click on Programs and Features, and then select Turn Windows features on or off.).
To configure SMTP e-mail to store e-mails in a file location on disk for later delivery by an application, such as an ASP.NET application, or by a user, such as an administrator, use the following syntax: The variable from string is the e-mail address of the sender. “About Internet Information Services manager dialog box will open now.
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