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Prepared by Customer Training Department Page 7 of 19 ApeosPort-VII C4421 / C3321 All Rights Reserved by Fuji Xerox (Hong Kong) Limited Product Quick Notes
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The ApeosPort Series offers a seamless user experience across the entire family from operability to device management. 0000093620 00000 n
0000184914 00000 n
Fuji Xerox DocuPrint CM315z - 28ppm A4 Colour Multifunction Laser Printer A4 color multifunction printer; 40/35 ppm print speed; 105/96 ppm scan speed; 7.0 inch/5.0 inch User Interface; Learn More: ApeosPort-VII 5021 Series.
Introducing the next generation Smart Print Fuji Xerox DocuPrint CM31... Fuji Xerox DocuPrint CM405df A4 Colour Multi-function Printer 0000181014 00000 n
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0000180548 00000 n
Xerox, Xerox and Design, as well as Fuji Xerox and Design are registered trademarks or trademarks of Xerox Corporation in Japan and/or other countries. Enhance your overall productivity with the right solution as your business expands. 0000179326 00000 n
Powered by Shopify | Articles, Fuji Xerox ApeosPort-VII C3321 - 35 ppm Colour Multifunction Printer, Fuji Xerox DocuPrint CM315z - 28ppm A4 Colour Multifunction Printer, Fuji Xerox DocuPrint CM405df **RUN OUT PROMOTION**, Fuji Xerox ApeosPort-VII C4421 - 40 ppm Colour Multifunction Printer, Fuji Xerox DocuCentre SC2022 - 20ppm A3 Colour Multifunction Copier, Fuji Xerox DocuCentre SC2022 A3 Colour Multifunction Copier with 2nd 550 Sheet Feeder.
0000179981 00000 n
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Security is at the core of both the hardware and software of the new ApeosPort Series, with enhanced security features to protect from internal and external threats throughout the entire document life cycle.
0000093057 00000 n
A4 monochrome multifunction printer; 53/48 ppm print speed; 105/96 ppm scan speed; 7… Các tính năng nâng cao của dòng máy ApeosPort-VII C4421 …
0000090966 00000 n
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0000090121 00000 n
0000006406 00000 n
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Empire Theme by Pixel Union. 0000008463 00000 n
**RUN OUT PROMOTION** LIMITED STOCK! 0000197531 00000 n
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0000187222 00000 n
Each product in the newest range provides the perfect print and cost management solutions for your business. ApeosPort Thao tác trực quan, tích hợp liền mạch, tính năng bảo mật nâng cao --Máy in đa chức năng A4 mới sẽ mang lại tất cả trải nghiệm bạn mong đợi ở dòng máy ApeosPort. �a2�ϭ��(�� ��D�6 y9 vo�p��Qׄ�8v� yJ~�W�#�-9l0���{z���MNi�����3~x7O
P@�`� Fuji Xerox ApeosPort-VII C3321 - 35 ppm Colour Multifunction Printer. 0000186716 00000 n
The entire user …
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