Fixed a bug where having tracks in the My Stuff folder made ghost database connections very slow. CTGP-R v1.03 BEFORE running the exploit. Updated SNES Mario Circuit 1 to a brand new version! New Common scanning methods implemented to prevent the changing of some additional important subfiles. New track: Marble Towers, replacing Autumn Forest! It does not guarantee lagless races, but it does vastly improve things, especially in smaller rooms. You must get this update to continue playing CTWW/Countdown. Hotfix number 2! Updated Autumn Leavesway to its latest version, which features a brand new track layout! This feature is currently experimental, but seems to be working correctly. Fixed a camera/live view freeze on Alpine Skyway. Updated GBA Rainbow Road v2 to its latest version. Fixed a bug that caused the Wii to crash in the event of a Wiimmfi login error! This is the first widespread test of this patch, and if there are any problems, it will be reverted! Fixed the bug where local ghosts population could get stuck, and cause the channel to stop reading the SD card completely. asking you to update IOS37. In 200cc mode, press the following buttons: Wiimote - 1+2+B, Nunchuk: A+B+D-pad down, Classic/GCN: A+B+R to brake while drifting! A license that would previously get EC60000 will get a new friend code when it connects. Added a recovery mode for when not everyone sees all players during friend room waiting (which prevents rooms from starting), and the "Phantom Racer" glich in Worldwide. Updated Marble Towers to its latest version. New setting: All items can land! This means that you can quickly turn off replaced tracks while still keeping the rest of your My Stuff enabled, without needing to change files on the SD card. It will indicate how likely a room is to work or simply lag out/disconnect most players in race 1 if you start it at the present moment. Updated Slot Circuit to its latest version. This update will NOT function without the CHAN 0.04.0082 update! One is never good enough. Supporting update (required to make v1.03.0022 work). Added Countdown as a playable mode, replacing Battle mode online. Downloading them in After installing, the channel will delete old files from previous CTGP-R versions. New track: Sinister Vault, replacing Subspace Factory! Reduced the power of "High" mode for Ignorance is Bliss anti-cheat. Attempts to fix a bug that causes general problems with room stability. can download updates for CTGP-R v1.03 from here. Adds item boxes to Aquania (no really, somehow we missed that). (Author of Green Park requested its removal). New track: Tropical Factory, replacing Sunny Island! Go to Data Management. Personal leaderboards are also not updated. Simply download the update and put it on your SD It can only be disabled in friend rooms. Requires the CHAN 0.04.0078 update. Reduces difficulty of N64 Toad's Turnpike. Added a new mirror server to CTGP for when things go wrong! Hotfix: Friend rooms with Custom Tracks setting off will no longer freeze. It currently obeys the track order of CTGP Revolution v1.02.0003. Not a lot to talk about here, but it is required for this new update to work properly. See WiiUBrew It was developed by MrBean35000vr and Chadderz with the help of countless other track authors, translators and testers. Updated Melting Magma Melee to its latest version. Also works on LAN. but the source code for the previous version is available on Github., 補足で説明すると、まずスマホで設定しようとするとFCが電話番号と認識されるのでできません、必ずPCでやってください。, 二回目からはManage OPENHOSTのページにいけばすでにWi-Fiに繋いだことのあるデータのFCが全部並んでいるので、すぐに切り替えが可能です(もしオープンホストにしたいデータのFCが表示されていない場合はそのFCが現在オンラインに繋いである状態か確認してください。繋いであるのに表示されない場合はAssign a consoleからやり直しましょう)。そして自分のフレンドコードを誰が登録しているのか知りたい場合はManage OPENHOSTのページからmanage profilesを選びます。, 下の方にある3つの項目にチェックを入れてSubmit All Changesを押せば見れますよ。, なおdenyにチェックを入れたプレイヤーからはこちらがオンラインに繋いでいる状態でも光らないようになるので、嫌がらせやストーカー行為をされる場合は利用してみてください。, ちなみにフレンドルームを開いたときに勝手に知らない人が来てしまったときとかありませんか?そんなときはkickします。, オープンホストのときと同様にloginしましょう、もしトップ画面にきてしまった場合はStatus→MKW statisticsで部屋表に戻れます。すると自分の主催している部屋が一番上にでてきます。, こんな感じですね、今回は一人なのですが、誰かが合流するとactionのところがkickになってるのでそれをおしてkickすることでその人の接続を強制的に切れます。フレンドルーム内のみの機能で野良では使えません。ちなみにcloseを押すと部屋を強制的に閉じます。部屋を開きなおしたいと思ったらwiiの電源を切るのではなくcloseしちゃいましょう。, 「1.03 MyStuff NTSG-J」「1.03 MyStuff NTSG-U」を「riivolution」の中に移す。, 前衛が2周目を終えスタートラインを超えたところで後衛が2周目を開始する。前衛は後衛が2周目を終えるまでゴール前待機。後, ペアで使用するキャラやどちらが前衛・後衛をするかは事前に話し合っておくこと。なおGPごとであればペアでキャラ、前衛・, 場合は各GPの結果の写真に加え、回線落ちや減点行為があった場合はその詳細も込みで私にリプライで送ってください。. Last change 2016-07-29 17:57 UTC Copyright © ChadSoft 2014-2016. This is an experimental update, but hopefully it fixes some issues! Temporarily disables alterations to Common.szs, and all driver and vehicle edits, since they can alter the physics engine in new and exciting ways! Supporting update (required to make v1.03.1004 work). New track: Dark Matter Shrine, replacing Fire Palace! New track: Colour Wonderland, replacing Retro Raceway! New track: Flying Kingdom, replacing SNES Rainbow Road! Add/Remove Channel should work again, at least some of the time. Updated Castle of Darkness to its latest version. There is a speedometer in the lower right hand corner of the screen. Updated GBA Mario Circuit to a brand new version! Updated F-Zero White Land 1 to its latest version. Updated GP Mario Beach to latest version. The game will not save ghosts at all in order to try to prevent save data corruption and accidental overwriting of ghosts. Updated F-Zero Big Blue to its latest version. Channel update. need to download an exploit (see below). Updated SNES Donut Plains 3 to a brand new version! Improved detection methods of Ignorance is Bliss anti-cheat. Thanks to Torran for working out what was triggering it! Altered Countdown's region identifier to "cd_xx". Channels. Updated DS Mario Circuit to a brand new version. You can also join your friends who are playing CTWW, and they can join you. New game mode: Item Rain! You can help support our server costs by donating! Finally finally fixed the "data is corrupted" bug that occurs when connecting online!! owning certain Wii games. To help prevent online cheating, the source code for version 1.03 is kept secret, Fixed a bug that caused the Wii to crash at random on Subspace Factory! Supporting update (required to make the new tracks work). Hopefully you just won't notice anything new. We didn't notice that for 3 days because so many people were trying the new feature so it looked like everything was normal. Updated Ignorance is Bliss anti-cheat for more item cheat detection methods. Special thanks goes to Scruffy, Seeky, Invoxi and Star for bringing this exploit to our attention ahead of time, we would not have been able to create a fix so quickly if not for them! New track: CTR Cortex Castle, replacing Alpine Skyway! CTGP Revolution is an expansion to and the direct successor of CTGP 2.8 and CTGP 4.4. Preparations for introduction of shortcut category for Mushroom Gorge (coming soon!). Supporting update (required to make v1.03.0036 work), Supporting update (required to make v1.03.0032 work), Updated GBA Boo Lake to its latest version, Updated GBA Broken Pier to its latest version, Supporting update (required to make v1.03.0030 work), Fixes ultra shortcut on Dreamworld Cloudway, Fixes another ultra shortcut on Dry Coast, Updated Sandcastle Park to its latest version, N64 Rainbow Road Lunar: 1.5x Speed mod, 2 laps, Supporting update (required to make v1.03.0028 work), Fixes ultra shortcut on SNES Choco Island 1, Updated Dreamworld Cloudway to its latest version. 持っていない人はLhaplus(無料です)がおすすめ、今後も使うので持っておきましょう! It has been expanded from 5 minutes to 5:40, allowing longer tracks to be entered and played through to completion. Updated GCN Dry Dry Desert to a brand new version! Supporting update (required for the frameskip update to work). Only one blue shell can exist at once, so even when it is held out behind you it will be impossible for anyone else to get one from an item box. Blue Shells can now be held behind you like red shells. Also alters some in-game track music slots. Wii 4.3 users must use the letterbomb exploit Go to HackMii
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