Overwatch est (a notre niveau) un jeu dont la précision de visée importe peu. I aren't think that, + he uses like 0.8 zoom sens so it is even lower. Perso j'ai triplé ma sensi si je compare avec csgo. (sachant que j'ai un "petit" tapis de souris (un tapis de base quoi)) je fais un 360 en un demi tapis a peu près Je joue au poignet sur un petit tapis: Y a un intérêt à mettre 1000hz sur sa souris Niko is a maniac, an absolute madman. Commencez a maîtriser cet aspect du jeu avant de vous concentrer sur le frag ! How do we find that "Perfect Sensitivity", after sometime i almost like any number you give me. Long story short, sensitivity has almost no correlation to what you do and how well you are going to perform. If you played for 4years with the same sens, you're so used to it that you can precisely flick to any point of your screen. Comment vous faîtes pour tourner la caméra vite en dessous Reply . But that absolutely does not mean that something in the middle is best for you. Le teamplay s'apprend bien plus tard, suffit de voir sur CS:GO ou les gens sur dernier rank ne jouent pas en team mais ont une bonne aim. Find Configs, monitor settings, crosshairs your favourite players. Ligue PC JVC - Le retour de la revanche ? Csgo 1.5 i played shooters on lots of different sens and in my experience if i have 2-3k hours in a game and changed my sens a couple times in that period then i can easily get used to any sens in between the sens i already tried, it only takes a couple hours of deathmatch, best to play a lot of different maps, to calibrate, and then of course for a little while after you'll sometimes miss because you do the flick for the wrong sens but idk i like the feeling of getting used to different sens sometimes. 800 DPI 1.6 sens here. THAT being niko's sens. It's all about mouse shape, preferences, what grip you're using... even on what resolution are you playing. NiP however will be prone to show higher consitency issues if 1 or more players have an "off" day due to general higher margin for error, its could be a higher margin of error, too, easy mistake to make. I find it funny people that want to copy niko but in 2 weeks they'll copy shox and in the end they will never master their sens Was playing 400 dpi 1.42 sens 1000hz, but after full tiltmode switched to 3 sens today, seems to work. Je serai curieuse de voir votre précision à la visée avec vos conneries de réglages xD ! Cookies help us deliver our Services. 6/11 windows pointer speed ProSettings. /r/GlobalOffensive is a home for the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive community and a hub for the discussion and sharing of content relevant to CS:GO. left arm = LUL, I fap with left so stronkk with left and right ;). Oh noooo, I'm so wrong much better to run 360 noscope, being 0.5 sec behind in aim duel, shoot in body and legs with first reaction when u can do 90% hs with low sens so ez. bro how can you move with that low sens?
SK gaming = average 2.18 sensitivity Le 20 juin 2016 à 18:36:17 Zodiak_ a écrit : if you change your sens you gonna have a hard time getting your flicks on point. guardian uses 1.3 but with raw input off which makes sensitvity a lot diffrent. aim will be on point as well. There's no such thing as a perfect sensitivity.
Azerhan MP. Je suis vraiment perdu et ça me frustre de jouer sans vraiment m'amuser à cause de ça. Je joue pas avec le bras, uniquement avec le poignet car je suis fainéant, Là j'ai essayé 400DPI avec 10 IG et je sais pas comment vous faites sérieux. How do people play with such low sens? Its all about preferences. Fixed FalleN’s headset, thank you! it doesn't if he has 6/11 win and pointer off.. As soon as I'd change it I'd do better, stick with that sens for a few games then once I whiff some shots or fail to clutch I'd change it. Tu peut juste t'en servir comme exemple, Sur internet il y a bcp de tuto pr trouvé sa sensi aussi.
Dpi 400 faut eviter de mettre plus de 800 dpi je crois. Je me traine, je suis obligé de traverser la moitié de mon bureau juste pour me retourner, Perso je suis a 1840Dpi avec 12 sensi InGame. it will make your in game knowledge and decisions way better ! how can you be dumb enough to think that if you change sens every 200hours you're gonna be as used to your sens? Can you even do a single 180 without picking up your mouse? even if he still had he had it on 1.05 which doesnt change that much, lol why should i care for a game like quake :D, 3sens 1000dpi 1000hz Specially when you fuck up all the muscle memory you built, changing sens doesnt completely fuck your muscle memory, your brain can adapt, our brain can always adapt, but if you change over and over again your sens you just will be so inconsistent
Dans les jeux, tu affines cette sensibilité. facebook.com/mousesports/videos/10154045.. reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/43.. steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/78516.. Used 400dpi 1.2 old mouse, 1.7 400 dpi is standard low sens.. 1.42 is pretty low tho.
higher-> Lower, just cos you move like a bot at that sens doesnt mean he does lmao wtf is this logic, it seems you have trouble understanding simple english. he was the best 1.6 player after neo, good with riffles and God with awp, made quick calculus of meridian or mean values of TOP tier teams mouse settings, this is just for fun as it might mean nothing at all I'm using 1.7 with bb, if I go streched I would use around 1.4, 1.45 or something, and would feel almost the same, weird to explain... but 1.3 bb is slow AF, guardian is a fucking god, +1
Quant est il de la sensibilité sur console (manette donc)? Je peux l'activer dans Synapse mais je ne vois pas l'intérêt d'OC ma souris, J'ai toujours eu mes DPI à 1800 avec sensi 10 IG et je m'en sors très bien. you cant 180 one tap like f0rest, but you can play 100% normal with that sens ._. He has one of the lowest mouse sens/dpi in the pro scene. usually a player like guardian or Niko will peek angles or post in places where there isnt much adjustment needed, while other players will clear multi angle spots, sites (usually) so it come down to playstyles and roles obviously. Quant est il de la sensibilité sur console (manette donc)? lol I play 1.8 and I'm not being hindered. Hi, I'm having trouble on bhopping with the same sensitivity as competitively.. Are there any bhoppers out there that can bhop with something … Wait, are you trying to say it's a low sensitivity?
I played at 2.1 for a year, got really good, and then started playing at 2.5 and played a lot better. All Plateformes | Recherche de joueurs/euses avec le système d'escouade by Blizzard.
Unless it comes in diff sizes, There is no way windows mouse settings are 6/11 or mouse accel off, +1, best sens. what matters is having the muscle memory built in so in a clutch at 14-14 you don't whiff your spray, miss a flick, mischeck a corner, etc.. if you change your sens alot.
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