Admittedly, it could be easier to use. b) Fully automated creation of tables and transform functions based on file analysis. This JSON Parse Online tool uses JSON.parse() internal method on browser to Parsing JSON data.

I have been involved for the last ten years in designing space missions, satellites and software to support the design of these systems for organizations such as the European Space Agency (ESA), the German Aerospace Agency (DLR) as well as commercial companies such as Airbus DS and Thales.

Any ideas what might be causing the error? Not sure about the Nz() error either: that’s the error message, and what’s the value of the prop variable? Much safer is it to do really parsing of the JSON data string. The first method that is being called is called skipChar, this moves the index forward in the string until it finds an interesting character, one of the tokens that are specified by JSON. Dim KeysArray() As String

A sample usage is shown The improved version of the parse function becomes: What you can notice is that I have an extra method called GenerateStringArray that converts the JSON string to an array of integer called m_str.

The Select Case operates on m_str(index) and for each Case statement, there is a constant defined which is a Unicode value of the corresponding character.

So far so good, nothing to change, the original code takes care of this in the way I think it should for this specific case.

In the following sections, I treat some of the functions and methods that I have refactored to gain the improved performance to get the idea across. Exactly what I need and very simple. Essentially I'm using the parser to deserialize the json i get from a web service. Features include: The JsonSlurper class converts these JSON types into corresponding Groovy types.

First of all, thank you So much for this code. The refactored method does not make use of the cStringBuilder class. a) Fully automated analysis of JSON files including handling of subarrays The VBA-JSON example has tons of code and also the tool from Colin has tons of code.

Required fields are marked *.

This is fixed by replacing the "." when creating multiple parser instances. d) Over 90 sample JSON files are supplied as examples.


Here’s the FileToString function from my module. Using the Collection/Dictionary objects made it very easy. JsonParser instances. Error: Run-time error ‘9’: Subscript out of range, it’s happening on ReDim KeysArray(Length – 1). Index = Index + 1

JSON parsing - OTHER Global usage 99.63% + 0% = 99.63%; Method of converting JavaScript objects to JSON strings and JSON back to objects using JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() IE. I like your way of the JSON read method.

There are many true JSON data parsers available out there, in many languages, An example of a JSON object representing a Person can be the following: Imagine you have a huge list of these, and knowing that VB6/VBA is not super fast at handling strings and doing string comparisons, one can imagine parsing 15 megabytes of persons may become slow... 10 seconds kind of slow! Location Services: what this means for improved operations? “Sub or function not defined” at: Hi, I added a note at the bottom of the post for Excel users trying to use NZ(). This discipline is sometimes called Concurrent Design. What is Nz used for, it is not defined anywhere in your code. Thank you for posting this. An earlier version of the app is also available at, Hi Colin – thanks for the post. Hi Jack, Without coding or any hassle Developers can parse json data.

It’s a nice tool for import work, hopefully someone will find it useful. Factor 2 improved performance on VB-JSON Parser. How To Convert JSON File To XML format In UFT in VBScript way: So long, we were testing webservices using XM format. The following constants have been defined at the top of the module: The GenerateStringArray method stores the length of the JSON string in a private variable for later use (instead of recalculating in each of the methods the length of the JSON string) and stores the Unicode value for each character in the m_str array. The class Json contains methods to create parsers from input sources (InputStream and Reader).

A, Returns a JSON number as an integer. The entry method of the Parser is the following: The parse function takes a (JSON) string as input and it is important to note that this string is passed ByRef and not ByVal. The following example demonstrates how to create a parser from a string Thus, we ought to ensure we’re working with a trusted source if we’re going to be using it (but this holds true for just about any external source, I think). I’ve been testing out the script and I’m getting and error in the GetKeys() function.

(credit to StackOverflow member Codo for the original source, as near as I can tell). I found that in the case of parsing JSON string and creating dictionaries and collections, it did not make too much sense to use the cStringBuilder class. But nevertheless it also is as dangerous as your example as both use the JScript eval method for "parsing" the JSON data.

next() to advance the parser to the next state after I tried your scripts but I’m getting troubles with “FileSys” in the ReadJSON Function.

How Expert Software Solutions can Empower Your Business, How to Parse JSON with VBA (MS Access/Excel). Contribute to VBA-tools/VBA-JSON development by creating an account on GitHub. For example, for an empty JSON object ({ }), the parser generates the event the JSON input source. The settings are stored in two variables called m_decSep and m_groupSep and are set in the parse function. This effectively parses the values (for any valid JSON – I tested loads of it and gave a presentation at the annual PAUG conference last year without an egg on my face), but working with the values when you’re done is a bit of a headache. Open SourceFile For Input As #i I used this for a while myself, until I ran into a case that it fails on, which put me back on the drawing board. END_ARRAY, KEY_NAME, VALUE_STRING, The original parseNumber method works fine for those locales where a the decimal separator is a period, but not for those where it is a comma.

Hello – not sure about the ambiguous type error: apparently you have an enum defined with that name already somewhere. Remember, everytime VB6 concatenates 2 strings, it creates a new string, so it doesn't really append the second string to the first. One important thing to bear in mind is that this method does make use of JavaScript’s Eval() function.

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