If the machine power is on, turn it off and then back on again, and check whether the issue is resolved. - 4 - 1 Overview Summary In iOS, AirPrint-enabled applications can print to an AirPrint-enabled device—and you don’t need to install a driver or configure the printer queue.
From an Apple device: Press the Home button on the Apple device twice. If an application software does not let you use printer options, you cannot print from that application software. Supported Models: MX-2640N/3140N/3640N/4140/4141/5140/5141, 3. To display the list of latest used application software, press the Home button on the Apple device twice. 業界最小クラスのコンパクトボディながら、A3まで使えて機能充実のビジネスカラーレーザーコピー機です。基本的な機能は搭載し、Windows環境では一般的な業務であれば不足なく使えます。新規立ち上げの初期導入機や、SHARP製の古いコピー機からのお買い替えにオススメしています。, Windows® XP、Windows Vista®、Windows® 7、Windows® 8、Windows® 10, Windows Server® 2003、 Check that no error message is displayed on the machine operation panel. This means that in large offices, if the user is a longdistance from the MFP, the signal strength may be weak, and could poseissues. To delete a print job with AirPrint, use one of the following two methods: From the machine: Use the operation panel of the machine to cancel the print job. Windows Server® 2008、Windows Server® 2012, 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T、USB2.0(USBケーブル接続), 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T、USB2.0(USBメモリデバイス使用), MacOSから印刷をする場合、PS対応のコピー機を選択する事をおすすめいたします。, LANケーブルを使わず、コピー機を無線環境でご使用ができるようになります。FAXは無線対応できません。, MX-2300FG・MX-2700FG・MX-2301FN・MX-2600FN・MX-2310F・MX-2514FN, ワンタッチダイヤル:最大2,000件(ファクス・スキャナー・インターネットFax・グループダイヤル含む) Because some application software does not support. MX-2517FN の詳細情報. For Duplex Printing, click On to enable duplex printing or click Off to disable the function.
MX-2517FN: 25枚/分: 50枚/分: 4段 コピー: FAX: プリンタ: スキャナ: ドキュメントファイリング: ペーパーレスFAX: USBメモリースキャン: USBメモリープリント ☓: ネットワーク: 有線LAN: 無線LAN: USBプリント: Windows: Mac OS: iOS (AirPrint) Android ☓ ☓: ☓: ☓ ・・・標準装備. Because some application software does not support AirPrint, Printer Options may not be displayed. When Apple 's photo app is used, the default paper size is L size in Japan, and 4"x6" or KG in other countries and regions.. Duplex Printing: If the model supports duplex printing, you can select, Range: The page range can be used only with specific application software and file types (such as, When printing a file type that has multiple pages, such as a, To display the list of latest used application software, press the, Tap the print job to be canceled, and then tap, Check that no error message is displayed on the, If the problem persists, use the printer driver on your computer to execute printing and check whether the document can be printed normally on the, If the document cannot be printed, refer to the, The windows used in the explanations may differ from those displayed by your. When printing a file type that has multiple pages, such as a PDF file, click Range and then click All Pages or select the range of pages to be printed. Check that the machine has enough paper and ink. Your application software may support different paper sizes.
グループダイヤル:最大500件、順次同報送信:最大500件. During printing, a Print icon is displayed in the list of recently used application software, and you can use it to check the print progress.
Copies: Select the number of print copies. iOS devices (Apple) can print without requiring additional software (apps). If Bonjour on the machine is disabled, AirPrint cannot be used. The printer options differ depending on the application software and model you are using. Optionally provide private feedback to help us improve this article... How to enable AirPrint on supported Sharp MFPs, 14021_Aries II_Virgo II_AirPrint_Announ-Jan2014_V3.pdf, Printing to any brand of printer from Google Chrome prints blank pages, Cannot install an unsigned printer driver on Windows 8 64 bit computer, Printers are not detected on Macs and no printers appear in the list to add a printer manually, To Enable or Disable Notifications of Completed Print Jobs, Default Password & Ports for Sharp MFPs & Printers. When you execute printing, the printer prints according to the specified settings. The Lantronix device is ideal because it doesn’t suffer from thesame limitations since it is connected directly to the network.
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